Please take a moment to answer a poll about the plugin over here:
Answers are anonymous and will be used to improve the plugin in the future. Thanks!
- World name alias config setting: Change world display names, Can group multiple worlds together - Does not affect the database.
- /plan m disable command for disabling kickCounting until next reload.
- French Locale by @CyanTech
- Server Analysis Pages now display only the Worlds that are on that server (On Bungee systems)
- Fixed Squashed Sessions and White text on all tables on BungeeCord systems - Caused by UTF-8 BOF at the end of file being included in the WebAPI transfer of Html.
- Fixed Html pages being limited in height on Bungee systems (same issue as above)
- Fixed SessionsAsTable display
- Fixed NoClassDefError when accessing /players/ on BungeeCord
- Fixed the new 00:00:43 & 00:45 datetime formats.
- Fixed "/planbungee webuser" displaying help messages as "/plan web"
- Fixed LocaleWriteOnEnable setting
If you get any errors or have issues don't be afraid to join the
Support on Discord or
report the issue (This one is easier for me)