- Fixed Bukkit WebServer not restarting properly when Bungee started after Bukkit did.
- Fixed NPE related to HtmlUtils.getRelativeInspectLink (A lot of PluginData had this)
- Fixed unknown command causing NoSuchMethodError on 1.8.X
- Fixed 500 internal error page displaying when Analysis had not been run - Now refreshes analysis automatically instead
- Fixed NoSuchMethodError (StringUtils) on 1.11.2 (Analysis)
- Fixed Timezone difference being in the wrong direction (And added a possibility in config to turn it off)
- Attempted to fix UNIQUE constraint failed: plan_users.uuid related to RegisterProcessor (I say attempted here because I was not able to reproduce this issue)
- Attempted to fix IllegalStateException: Duplicate key UserInfo related to Analysis
- Fixed NullPointerException related to UserInfo being null - This is caused by bad design, but the design will be fixed in the future. (Inspect page was using register date, name and Ban/OP status for the server processing the inspect request, even if the player had not played on that server, leading to NPE - Ban/OP status will be moved to Overview tab in a future update.)
- Fixed odd placement of Overview tab when user had no sessions
If you get any errors or have issues don't be afraid to join the
Support on Discord or
report the issue (This one is easier for me)