This new update has been tested for a while by members of the discord server. It is working. Keep in mind that my code signing certificate which was costing me 90USD per year to maintain has expired. As a result, you may get a big scary warning from Microsoft stating that the publisher (me) is unverified. The warning goes away after an unknown number of downloads occur. (Oooohhh so scary. I didn't pay 90 dollars to make the warning go away.) Actually, considering that to be the case, I ought to consider making fewer variations of the released software so that the remaining variations have a higher number of downloads per artifact. Thus increasing trust with Microsoft more efficiently upon each release. But I digress.
Oh well. It is what it is. If someone wants to donate money for me to buy a code signing cert, I can set up the process of code signing again. Otherwise, it just seems unnecessary. Software still works great.