I was working pretty hard on this version so I forgot to keep track on most of the changes. Treat this as a new iteration of the plugin.
Not many features have changed on the surface, although under the hood, the plugin has been completely re-programmed from the ground up.
It has fixed a major bug reported by Cantibra, where nether and end worlds were not generating properly upon a server restart. This bugfix pretty much required me to reprogram the entire plugin to fix. And voilĂ , here we are!
It will attempt to migrate your old data file, although I have not tested if this actually works.
Please note that a significant change that you will experience is that the syntax for using the create command's options (e.g. 'generate structures' and all that) is different in PW 2 (easier to use now).
Totalled 15 hours on the development timer. Also want to note that the previous update on this plugin was 9 months ago! Sorry for such a delay.
My holidays have just ended, so response times are going to be limited to my evenings again. I won't be online for another ~17 hours, as I am posting this at midnight.
Any issues, questions, suggestions, bugs and whatnot - feel free to join the Discord or PM me.
If you like this update, I would appreciate a kind review!