PetDragonPro | Ridable Enderdragons | SQL Dragon Registry | 1.14-1.21.4 icon

PetDragonPro | Ridable Enderdragons | SQL Dragon Registry | 1.14-1.21.4 -----

Fly EnderDragons and destroy your foes in a premium experience! + Seamless migration!

Bungeecord support, thorns compatibility & more!
What's new?
  • Bungeecord support through MySQL! If you use this plugin on multiple servers, you can now link each of them to the same database and dragon limits will be properly shared across them. Important: For this to work the names of the world folders on each server have to be different!
  • Fixed multiple issues around the thorns enchantment. This enchantment will now no longer damage your dragon and your armour will no longer incorrectly lose durability when you are riding a dragon.
  • Reworked the damage code to be more consistent!
  • PetDragon spawning is now compatible with spawn controlling plugins, like WorldGuard! If another plugin prevents the spawning of PetDragons, my plugin will no longer add them to the database (the message will unfortunately not match).
  • All database related queries are now performed asynchronously, since the database sharing made a local synchronous cache impossible.

How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to remove the previous version of this plugin. Now restart (not reload) your server and you are done!
----------, Nov 5, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 96
First Release: Feb 17, 2022
Last Update: Yesterday at 2:21 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
13 ratings
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Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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