- fixed bug where attached blocks would drop items sometimes (like buttons)
- Added 'directions' option for blocks like fences which can face multiple directions
- Removed flags.yml
This update breaks some things:
- Stage is now saved to the database so that it sticks across server restarts (
WARNING: You will need to
delete data.mv.db, doing so will
delete all placed
generators in your world)
- Sugar canes can now only be placed near water (Like in vanilla)
- Cactus can only be placed on sand (Like in vanilla)
- Sugar cane and cactus are now subject to physics.
- Crops can only be placed on tilted soil. (Like in vanilla)
- Cocoa can only be placed on jungle wood/logs (Like in vanilla)
- Generators are now removed if broken by water/lava, before fluid flow was interrupted.
Fixed bamboo not behaving properly
Fixed 'idle' option and renamed it to 'regrow' (if regrow is false when mined the block will not regenerate and you will have to do so manually using setStage, nextStage or previousStage in on-break trigger)
This update might seem like a downgrade but it is necessary to make a more solid and less buggy system. I hope to compensate with more interesting features in the future.
- Added "languages/zh.yml"
- Added "languages/fr.yml"
- Added leaves option for bamboo:
Code (YAML):
: small, large,
- Added idle option for generator stages:
Code (YAML):
: true or false
WARNING when an idle generator is mined you must set a new stage manually with setStage, nextStage or previousStage
- Fixed generator stage chance logic
- You can now set the chance on the last stage
- Fixed setStage, nextStage, and previousStage actions not being registered
- Added "generators/crops/bamboo.yml" example
Slabs are now supported with parameter:
Code (Text):
slab-type: bottom, double or top
or with command /orestack structure save name.yml
Reduced jar size by around 1.3mb
New block options:
Code (YAML):
: true or false
# for doors, trapdoors etc...
: top or bottom
# for blocks that are 2 blocks tall and stairs facing up/down
: straight, inner left, inner right, outer left or outer right
: left or right
: head or foot
All of these can be added manually or with the command /orestack structure save name.yml after having selected the area.
- Fixed a small bug where it would say world not found with name: 'world' which would crash the plugin
- If you're updating from <3.20 read the last changelog
This update completely changes how you write functions and actions, it also adds some new actions like: 'return|stop' and 'cancel-event'.
How to update:
- Backup your generators and everything you want to save.
- Delete generators in folder and regenerate examples.
- Update your old generator functions to use the new system, and put them back in the folder.
I am sorry for the inconvenience, this should be the last time when an update breaks older versions so severely.
Code (YAML):
- if
[ has permission, orestack.generator.harvest
[ give item, emerald
[ spawn particle at block, fire_ring
[ chat message,
"You mined emerald!"
[ cancel-event
# This action was only added in 3.21.0
[ chat message,
"&4You don't have permission to mine this block!"
- if
: hasPermission orestack.generator.harvest
- giveItem emerald
- spawnParticleAtBlock fire_ring
- chatMessage <You mined emerald!>
- cancelEvent
- chatMessage <&4You don't have permission to mine this block!
# AFTER, Another Example
# These examples are for actions, but it is exactly the same with conditions
- <chat message> <&aHere have an emerald!>
# if there is spaces you need to enclose it in <> brackets
- chat_message
# No spaces in the message so no need for brackets
- chatMessage <Hello Everyone!>
# This is the preferred format but others are also viable
- added support for sugar cane & cactus crops with examples (experimental but should work fine)
- fixed item enchantments not working in 1.21
- changed to an update checker compatible versioning
- fixed a visual glitch in structures (blocks are only updated if they change from one stage to the other, this reduces blocks changed as well)
- when you place a generator, if the first stage is just air/empty it will still spawn on the last stage not on the first.
- moved /orestack generator wand to /orestack wand since the wand is also used in /orestack structure
- wand now has two actions instead of one: left-click for first position and right-click for second position, this should make it faster to use
- added options in config.yml for generator-tool and wand-tool
- removed old options in en.yml for generator item and generator wand
- added structure rotation, you can now rotate structure with item before placement
- structure rotation was added to the database, if you get any errors you might need to delete the data.mv.dk file (this will delete all placed generators in your world)
- fixed 'drop-items' which wouldn't work and added an alias: 'drop-item'
- Fixed compability with 1.21
- reduced jar size by almost 2mb
- The free version now allows you to create up to 10 structures
- You can place them in your world without restrictions
- While the premium version remains with unlimited structures
- added 2 commands:
/orestack structure save <file-path>
/orestack structure place
- added great_oak_tree.yml example
- Removed 'op command' action because it poses a security risk, you can find other plugins that allow you to make players execute commands as op safely.
- bug fixes and other improvements
- you can now set the orientation of the block with 'orientation' parameter which can be set to: x, y or z.
- Since some blocks don't use direction but orientation. (like oak log)
- improved error messages
- improved logging in console
- added debug option in config.yml
- fixed language option in config.yml not working
- reworked how language system works internally
- InvalidConfigurationExceptions now look cleaner and are easier to read
- you will no longer get LangNotFoundExceptions, instead a warning will be sent in console and the default value will be used. The exception will only be thrown if a default value does not exist for that language tag. i.e. 'en'
- added a structure system, now each stage may have a structure or a single block (Premium only)
- added placeholder support to: command, op_command, and console_command
- fixed a bug where reloading wouldn't regenerate missing folders, and files
- added 'generator-overlap' to language file (error message sent when two generators overlap)
- refactoring
- Improved Database Performance:
- Switched to H2Database for better performance.
- Please note: generator data will be lost when updating to this version. This means any generators you had placed before will stop working. Sorry.
- You can safely delete the old `data.db` file and keep the `data.mv.db` file.
- Language File: - Added new language messages. Please regenerate your language file
- New Commands:
- `/orestack message send`
- `/orestack message broadcast`
- `/orestack sound play`
- `/orestack sound play-to`
- Other Improvements:
- Various fixes and improvements to the plugin.
- Fixed titles: the subtitle would be equal to the title and colors would not work
- added 'is_placeholder' condition
- changes to certain condition/action names for better readability
- added the following conditions: has_exp, has_exp_level, has_item, has_played_before, is_flying, is_sneaking, tool_is_similar
- added action: take_item
- added fire_ring and fire_spiral in particles.yml
- You can now use range in certain conditions/actions i.e 'amount: 1-10'
- Compiled in java 16 and added support for 1.16.5
- No error message when mining generator in world guard region
- auto-save option added to config.yml
- added exp-to-drop option in generator stage configuration
- holograms don't spawn if chunk is not loaded
- added backwards support
- fixed /orestack generator harverst-all command
- fixed two language messages not working
- Added holograms you can add one for each stage (simple, animated, multiple lines)
- Added 12 placeholders (You can find them under General wiki)
- All generator placeholders can now be used in messages
- Updated example.yml generator to be a little easier to understand
- added HAS_MONEY, GIVE_MONEY, TAKE_MONEY (Only usable if you have vault and an economy plugin installed)
- removed worldedit dependency
- added generator wand used to mark regions
- added /orestack generator get-wand
- added /orestack generator remove
- /orestack generator set-all/remove-all now work without world edit installed
- added new messages in en.yml related to the new commands
- you can now customize orestack.generator.place/brake permission inside language file
- added an update checker
- Added bStats metrics
- An error message prompting you to check console is now sent if you reload the plugin but an invalid configuration is found. (Before it would fail silently)
- You can now break blocks that aren't generators while holding a generator item
- Updated plugin page (added gifs and buttons)
- added basic play sound system
- added options to sounds/particles/messages: repetitions, delay, multiple
- fixed an error were config errors in functions where not being thrown
- added more particle command
- finished internal placeholder system for language messages (now every command parameter can be used in any message for that command)
- fixed a bug in my command framework where multiple parameters wouldn't work
- permissions are now customizable in language file
- added a basic particle configuration system
- added BLOCK_PARTICLE action
- fixed reload command
- reworked scripting system
- added backwards support
- fixed /orestack generator harverst-all command
- fixed two language messages not working
A complete rewrite of the plugin with new features
Fixed compability with java 8.
- Removed the world guard flag because it didn't serve any purpose.
- Added particles.
- Similar to custom drops now you can execute commands based on chance.
- item.yml has changed to drops.yml
- added effects.yml
Started working on older versions support and sound effects.
Modified the command system, added some error messages that I had forgotten.
Fixed many errors from the last update.
- Fixed some errors from the latest update
- Added support for mcMMO, you can set the exp given when mining from a generator, and get double drops based on the users level.
Remember to save your current files and let the plugin regenerate config. Or you can add/change values by looking at the config.yml on the plugin page.
- Added the ability to customize the replacement block for each generator
- You can still use the dafault-replacement which will act on all generators which don't have the override replacement.
- Added a message sent when the player mines a depleted generator.
- added permission to break each generator, and some custom messages
- added world guard support. Now you can set the oreregen-break flag to allow/deny oregens to be broken in a protected region. It's allowed by default.
- Now if you break a generator that doesn't have custom drops, it will respect the tools enchants, such as fortune or silktouch.
Added custom drops
Other improvements
The replacement block when the resource is depleted is now customizable