OnixTP | /home /spawn | new textures [1.8-1.21] icon

OnixTP | /home /spawn | new textures [1.8-1.21] -----

Teleportation home, to spawn, for a magical mineral - gypsum

Teleportation home, to spawn, to player for a special magical mineral - gypsum

Снимок экрана 2023-02-17 024922.jpg

For performing various actions: mining minerals, killing monsters, and so on, a new magical mineral drops out - gypsum.

To teleport, or set a home point, you must have Gypsum in your inventory. The cost of teleportation is calculated depending on the distance.

To teleport, you can enter a command, or click in the air while holding a Gypsum

Left mouse button - teleport to spawn, right - home. If the home point has not been set, then when you try to teleport home, you will be prompted to set the home point.


Intercepts commands:
  • /home
  • /spawn
  • /sethome
  • /tp <player>

Required special resourcepack

install Guide:
  1. install OnixTP
  2. change OnixTP config
  3. add resourcepack
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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 886
First Release: Feb 16, 2023
Last Update: Aug 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
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