Added per-user combat mode "modesets" supporting all modules, not just attack speed
You can now configure as many modesets as you like, and specify which modules should be enabled when a player is in that modeset
You can specify which modesets are allowed in which worlds
Modesets are persistent across server restarts
Players can switch between allowed modesets with /ocm mode for their current world
This allows players to choose what combat mode to be in, as long as they have the permission. The mode of the attacker takes precedence for any given damage calculation, to allow for a fair fight.
PlaceholderAPI support has been updated to display the player's current modeset for the player they are in with %ocm_modeset%
Important Changes
Fixed last damage calculations not taking into account non-entity damage. Improves compatibility with other plugins and fixes problems with damage immunity.
Moved worlds section from individual module configs to new modesets section
Removed toggle, enable, and disable commands. These have been replaced by the mode command.
sword-sweep-particles and disable-attack-sounds modules now require ProtocolLib. This allowes for faster updates and greater inter-plugin compatibility.
Smaller changes
Allow configuring message prefix
Added denied message when offhand is disabled
Added ability to disable randomness in old armour strength calculations
Allow configuring projectiles affected by projectile randomness module
Bug Fixes
Fixed issues with sword blocking module, including duplication
Fixed fishing knockback module not getting picked up by other plugins as entity damage (e.g. WorldGuard)
Fixed projectile randomness module launching items at a right angle sometimes
Remove offhand item if player switches world and is not allowed