When I posted this pro version, I fixed and added a lot of things to the free version. Now this pro version has been approved so I can update:
- DatabaseAPI dependency included in the plugin. Now
you can delete DatabaseAPI.jar from your plugin folder.
- Fixed: plants not being removed from database when they are not present anymore.
- Reload command added (/offlinegrowth reload or /ogrowth reload). Permission is: "offlinegrowth.reload". Note: this is for reloading "minutes-to-full-growth" and "blacklisted-worlds", not for "database".
- Made OfflineGrowth compatible with versions 1.8 to 1.12. I have tested it a little bit. Just tell me in the plugin forum thread if you have problems.
- New config option: disable-spawn-chunks. False by default. Set it to true so spawn chunks are unloaded and plants can grow offline there.
- Fixed: plants not growing when turning off the server right after planting them.
- Optimized: database saving.
- API added