- Improvement of commands performance
- Fixed blacklist command
- Fixed antimcleaks message at startup
- Added /nvp reload to reload the config (perm: novpn.reload)
- Removed menu configuration
- Reorganized config file
- Optimized bungeecord version
- Fixed config message error on ping to join in bungeecord
/!\ Config file change in this version : from :
Code (Text):
blacklist-message: "&cYou are in the blacklist !"
addblacklist: "&a%argument% has been added to the blacklist !"
removeblacklist: "&a%argument% has been removed from the blacklist !"
already-blacklist: "&a%argument% was already in the blacklist!"
not-in-blacklist: "&c%argument% is not in blacklist!"
whitelist-message: "&cYou are not in the whitelist !"
addwhitelist: "&a%argument% has been added to the whitelist !"
removewhitelist: "&a%argument% has been removed from the whitelist !"
already-whitelist: "&a%argument% was already in the whitelist!"
not-in-whitelist: "&c%argument% is not in whitelist!"
to :
Code (Text):
lists-message: "&cYou are in the blacklist!"
lists-add: "&a%argument% has been added to the %type%!"
lists-remove: "&a%argument% has been removed from the %type%!"
lists-already: "&a%argument% was already in the %type%!"
lists-not-in: "&c%argument% is not in %type%!"