- Optimized config
- Removed useless configuration
- Optimized player join
- Fixed mcleaks check on rejoin
- Added debug for join
- Added a reports sender system
New config.yml file! Check here :
Code (Text):
debug: false
#You can use your personnal ban plugin (Spigot/Bungeecord)
#Don't add /
#You can use %ip%
ban-cmd: "ban %player% %reason%"
#When occurs an error you accept to send the error to a reports server.
#You don't need to do anything, I will receive the error and fix it.
#No other informations are sent!
send-reports: true
#Kick when player use VPN
kick: false
#Send alert VPN for all player with permission novpn.receive
notify: true
#Ban player using VPN
ban: true
#If you want use firewall for blocking VPN connection
enabled: false
command: "iptables -A INPUT -s %ip% -p tcp --destination-port 25565 -j DROP"
enabled: true
#Add when VPN is detected
add-on-detect: true
#Add player to bypass VPN/Mcleaks/Country verification.
enabled: false
#Enable alt verification
enabled: true
#Max players with same IP
max-ip: 1
#Try server stability before enabled this functionality
#Enable/disable antibot protection
enabled: false
#Max connection per seconds authorized
max-connection-second: 20
#Enable mcleaks detection
enabled: true
check-offline-players: false #enable this if your server is on offline mode (only bungeecord beta)
#Kick when player use McLeaks
kick: true
#Ban when player use McLeaks
ban: false
#Player is automatically kick (can be bypass with whitelist)
enabled: true
message: "&cYour country is not allowed!"
blocked: #See country list on the plugin page
- ''
message-kick: '&cYou have been kicked for using VPN.'
message-notify: '&c%player% (%IP%) tried to join using vpn/proxy!'
not_online: '&cThe player is not online.'
message-ban: '&cYou have been banned for using VPN/Proxy.'
blacklist-message: "&cYou are in the blacklist !"
addblacklist: "&a%argument% has been added to the blacklist !"
removeblacklist: "&a%argument% has been removed from the blacklist !"
already-blacklist: "&a%argument% was already in the blacklist!"
not-in-blacklist: "&c%argument% is not in blacklist!"
whitelist-message: "&cYou are not in the whitelist !"
addwhitelist: "&a%argument% has been added to the whitelist !"
removewhitelist: "&a%argument% has been removed from the whitelist !"
already-whitelist: "&a%argument% was already in the whitelist!"
not-in-whitelist: "&c%argument% is not in whitelist!"
bot-kick: "&c[Antibot] Wait for reconnect!"
mcleaks-kick: "&cMcLeaks account!"
mcleaks-ban: "&cYou're banned for McLeaks!"
max_ip: "&cToo many account connected with same IP. (Max %max%)"