Bounty Claim Commands
- Added new conditional that will check a placeholder for a value before executing a command
Code (YAML):
# adding ~{player/killer({placeholder/material} {<|>|>=|<=|=|!=} {value}) will check a placeholder or material value before executing - The squiggly brackets are just to show the possible values
# checking a material value of the player will not work unless they have respawned
# This will message the killer if they have the bounty notification enabled
# ex: ~killer(%notbounties_notification% = true) [message_killer] &eYou have claimed &6%notbounties_kills% &ebounties.
- Added a message action to use the NotBounties prefix
Code (YAML):
# starting with [message_player] will message the player with the NotBounties prefix
# starting with [message_killer] will message the killer with the NotBounties prefix
- Added 3 new built-in placeholders
Code (YAML):
# {amount} is replaced with the bounty value
# {bounty} is replaced with the formatted bounty value
# {cost} is replaced with the formatted bounty value wrapped with the currency suffix and prefix
Timed Bounties
- Added a new feature that will automatically set bounties for surviving a set amount of time
Code (YAML):
# add bounties after a set amount of time
# the time in seconds before the next bounty is set - 0 to disable
: 0
# how much the bounty will increase
: 10
# bounty amount that the player needs for timed-bounties to stop setting bounties - 0 to disable
: 0
# reset the timer when the player dies
: true
# time will be tracked when the player is offline, and bounties will be set while they are offline
: false
Other Changes
- Random bounties can now get online players through MySQL if you are connected to a database
- Expire time can now use decimals
- You can now translate the help message
- Added a force death event feature for servers with programs that block it
- Added an extra message to the update notification to disable it
- Currency add and remove commands will now be executed if manual-economy is enabled;
- Added Geyser support