Added a new config option to have tags above a player's head for their bounty
Added a new placeholder to use the tag elsewhere: %notbounties_wanted%
Code (YAML):
# add a tag above a player's head if they have a bounty wanted-tag:
enabled: true
# how high above the player's eyes the tag is offset: 0.4
# text above the player text: '&f
} &6&lWANTED&f
: {amount
# minimum bounty to display tag min-bounty: 100
# hide the tag when sneaking hide-when-sneaking: true
# text for certain levels of bounty level: # minimum bounty amount: text 1000: '&f☠'
2500: '&c☠☠'
5000: '&4☠☠☠'
Other changes:
Fixed a bug that caused PlaceholderAPI to produce an error when creating a bounty map