Added Counter-attack config value, added more customization for ControlPoint
* Added config value to allow to capture a territory if the attacking territory is already under attack: `general.can-counter-attack` (false by default)
* Added values to the Control Point Battle:
* `minimum-attackers`: <Integer> (1 by default) -> The amount of attackers (or defenders) needed in order to start the capture/defense.
* `base-capture-speed`: <Integer> (1 by default) -> The default amount of damages/regen applied to a territory when all the basic conditions of attacking/defending are met
* `bonus-capture-speed-per-player`: <Integer> (0 by default) -> The value added to the base speed of capture. It starts to count only AFTER reaching the minimum amount of attackers.
* `maximum-capture-speed` <Integer>: (1 by default) ->The maximum amount of capture speed.
* Fixed relations problems upon capturing territories from ControlPoint battle.
* Optimized the ControlPoint battle.