Server Version: 1.19 or newer. Java Version: 21 or newer.
You need nightcore to run this plugin. Simple and lightweight login system for your players to protect their accounts in offline mode.
Designed to be installed on a dedicated auth server in your network. END OF SUPPORT NOTICE While I discourage offline mode servers, I have nothing against their owners. However, I no longer develop/maintain plugins designed exclusively for offline mode servers.
Consider upgrading your server to online mode.
Password Encryption. Available types: MD5, SHA-256, SHA-512, BCrypt
BungeeCord Support. Automatically send players to a certain server after login/register.
Sessions. Do not enter your password again when reconnected in a short period of time!
Custom login & register commands!
Custom messages, titles, action bar and sounds!
Chat Support. Use chatmessages to log in and register instead of commands!
Name Restrictions. Prevent players with short or long names from joining!
Accounts Per IP. Set how many accounts can be created for the same IP address.
Password Safety Check. Set password to require upper case & lower case letters, digits and amount of unique characters!
Password Length Check. Prevent too short or too long passwords from being used.
Password Confirmation. Set whether players should confirm their passwords when registering.
Regex Validation. Validate player names and passwords with a custom regex.
Name Case Check. Prevent players from joining with a wrong name case (ex. ThePlayer vs theplayer).
Login Location. Set location where players will be moved during login.
Hide Inventory. Clear player's inventory, gamemode, flying and potion effects while in login.
Blindess. Add blindness potion effect to players during login.
Login Timeout. Set how many time player have to be logged it or registered.
Login Attempts. Set how many times player can use wrong password/answer before being kicked(and banned).
Post-Login Commands. Execute commands when player logged in.
Ban Suspicious Activity. Auto-ban players by IP who tries to brute-force accounts!
Secret Question! Extra security step for your account. Create custom question with answer to prevent hackers from using your account even if your password was disclosed.