NewJoinMessage -  Custom Join/Leave Messages for Each Player with Fully Customizable Configuration icon

NewJoinMessage - Custom Join/Leave Messages for Each Player with Fully Customizable Configuration -----

The NewJoinMessage plugin provides custom join and leave messages

2.5 Beta New Update
Here's an updated description of what we have made, including the new commands, fixes, and the new permission system:


  1. /njm setplayer [player] [join/leave] [message]: Sets a custom join or leave message for the specified player.
    • Example: /njm setplayer player123 join Welcome to the server!
  2. /njm set [join/leave] [message]: Sets a custom join or leave message for yourself.
    • Example: /njm set leave Goodbye! See you next time.
  3. /njm clear [join/leave/all] [player]: Clears the join or leave message for the specified player, or resets all messages.
    • Example: /njm clear join player456
  4. /njm reload: Reloads the JoinLeaveMessage plugin.

  5. /njm gui: This command is exclusive to players and opens a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing join and leave messages.

  • Fixed an issue where console commands, such as "/njm gui", were causing errors. Now, the plugin prevents console users from executing the "/njm gui" command to avoid any issues.
New System and Permissions: We have added a new system that detects the permissions of players. In the display menu, accessible in the chat, players can now view the commands they have permissions for. The menu provides a clear overview of the available commands and guides players on how to use them.
For example, players without any permissions will be informed in the display menu that they don't have access to any commands. On the other hand, if a player has a specific permission, like the "join" permission, the display menu will indicate that they have access to the command and provide instructions on how to use it.

This new permission system allows server administrators to control and manage command access based on player permissions, providing a more streamlined and personalized experience for players.
----------, Jul 10, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 756
First Release: Jul 4, 2023
Last Update: Aug 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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