When Minecraft changes a lot of its internal code, it can cause updates to be delayed. Just be patient :)
Version: 1.4.8
Please add the capture world whitelist and release the world whitelist
For example, I hope to capture it in World1, but World2 cannot capture it and can only release it
Oh, I hadn't thought about that. I'll do it for the next version.
Version: 1.4.4
works nicely in 1.20.4! the thing is, it doesn't work at regions I protect with worldguard plugin maybe some flags has something to do with it but I don't know
Unique take on catching mobs!
The frequent updates and improvements are a great sign of a dedicated developer. It works fantastic and is fully configurable. You should try this!
RealisticVillagers plugin works with nekotraps plugin, but it has a serious bug, when capturing a villager or mob, if the villager is near the trap, it will refresh the villager's attributes...
thank you!. soon I will add animations for the boxes in versions +1.19.4
Version: 1.1.8
A fun and simple plugin that adds a bit of charm to my server. It's ready to go straight out the box, this will become a staple of future servers of mine.