1. Removed command:
- 1.1 /nclaim admin <change>
2. Added DecentHologram support (softdepend)
- 2.1 If neither FancyHolograms nor DecentHolograms is present on the server, the plugin will shut itself down.
3. If you right-click the chunk you selected while expanding the claim, particles will appear around that chunk. (Need the open particles in game settings)
4. Added claim settings menu:
- 4.1 Claim owner can enable or disable PvP.
- 4.2 Claim owner can prevent TNT explosions from breaking blocks.
- 4.3 Claim owner can prevent Creeper explosions from breaking blocks.
- 4.4 Claim owner can toggle whether players can attack animals.
- 4.5 Claim owner can enable or disable monster spawning.
- 4.6 Claim owner can enable or disable animal spawning.
- 4.7 Claim owner can allow or prevent interactions with villagers.
Release Notes 1.2