/namemc help (Help Command plugin.)
/namemc admin (Admin Command plugin.)
/namemc vote (Vote Command.)
/namemc verify (Check your voten.)
/namemc info (information about the creator of the plugin and plugin and the NameMC public api.)
/namemc testreward (Test if he gives you the award | Command especially if you are a Non Premium player.)
/namemc check (Check manually if a player has voted on the server.)
/namemc perms (Perms plugin.)
/namemc placeholder (PlaceholderAPI Variables.)
# ================================================================================================= # You can also find help on the Wiki: https://github.com/HappyRogelio7/NameMC-API-ServersMC/wiki # ================================================================================================= General:
Langs: 'default'
#LANGS: default. https://github.com/HappyRogelio7/NameMC-API-ServersMC/ IP: ''
#IP your server. Example: IP: 'hypixel.net' OR IP: '' OR IP: 'localhost:25565' Rewards:
Console-CMD: true
Console: - 'lp user
%player% parent set verify' - 'give
%player% minecraft:diamond 1' - 'crate give virtual
%player% NameMC 5'
# ================================================================================================= # Find the other Languages already translated in the Following Link: # Following Link: https://github.com/HappyRogelio7/NameMC-API-ServersMC/tree/main/langs # You can also find help on the Wiki: https://github.com/HappyRogelio7/NameMC-API-ServersMC/wiki # ================================================================================================= # Translation by: https://github.com/HappyRogelio7/ # ================================================================================================= General:
Prefix: "&9[&fNameMC&9]&r"#Prefix: %prefix% No-Permission: "[%prefix%] &cYou do not have permissions." NAMEMC-VOTE: "https://namemc.com/server/" TestReward: -
" " -
"%prefix% &bTest &dReward &a:D &7| &cLook at the console or Check the console." -
" " Langs:
"&8----------------------------------------------" - "&7If You Need Help Use the Command: &f/namemc help
" - "&bTo Vote Use the Command
: &f/namemc vote
" - "&8
" VOTING-CMD: - "&8
" - "&9Vote in &f
%namemcwebvote%%serverip%" -
"&7Then To Check Your Vote, Run The Following " - "&bCommand: &f/namemc verify
" - "&8
" NO-VOTING: - "&8
" - "&9Vote in &f
%namemcwebvote%%serverip%" -
"&7Then To Check Your Vote, Run The Following " - "&bCommand: &f/namemc verify
" - "&8
" VOTING-PLAYER: - "" - "&aThanks for Voting for the Server,
" - "&aYou have received your reward.
" - "&aNameMC
: &f%namemcwebvote%%serverip%" -
" " TEST:
"&8---------------%prefix%&8---------------" -
"&aThe Player &f%otherplayer% &ahas been Voted by the server." -
"&8---------------%prefix%&8---------------" PLAYER-NO-VOTING: -
"&8---------------%prefix%&8---------------" -
"&cThe Player &f%otherplayer% &chas not yet been Voted by the Server." -
"&8---------------%prefix%&8---------------" PLAYER-ERROR: -
"&8---------------%prefix%&8---------------" -
"&cYou have to provide the Nick or Name of the Player." -
Here you will find the Placeholder of the plugin and PlaceholderAPI