[+] NameColors can now be customized to use different text styles.
Text styles:
- Bold
- Underline
- Italic
- Magic
- Strike
Any combination of these styles can be used with /namecolor, and to use these, the syntax
is /namecolor <color> <style1> <style2> …..
As before, add a player’s username to the end to change another player’s username.
[+] NameColor now has a /whois command.
/whois <nickname>
This can be useful in determining who sent messages for moderation.
Permission: namecolor.whois
[+] Misc
Nickname permissions are now given to default players. This can easily be revoked using a
permissions system.
Some code cleanup was done.
Configuration files now auto-update. If you’re upgrading from any old version, config options
will be added to your config.yml
NameColor now has a website at
wiicart.net/namecolor ! A detailed command maker for
both /namecolor and /nick are planned for the future.
Any questions? Contact me at @wiicart on Discord or through forums.
Many future updates are planned! Stay tuned!