⭐ MysteryBoxes ⭐ The Ultimate Loot Boxes ✨ icon

⭐ MysteryBoxes ⭐ The Ultimate Loot Boxes ✨ -----

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Hello, thank you for using my plugin! If you have any questions or issues regarding this update, please contact me. Stay tuned for more awesome updates! :)


• you can now use some commands while players are offline:
◦ once a player joins the server, theirs UUID will be saved into the file, so the plugin can later use it as a replacement, when executing a command.
◦ supported commands: /mb setboxes, /mb addboxes, /mb removeboxes, /mb setdust, /mb adddust, /mb removedust (more will be added later).​


If the plugin is not working correctly, then run the commands from below. If there's at least one path missing or empty, your config is outdated or broken and needs to be fixed.

• Debug config.yml file: "/mb checkvariables <print paths (true/false)>"
• Debug language.yml file: "/mb checklanguage <print paths (true/false)>"

The safest way to fix your config is to delete it and let the plugin generate a new one.
----------, Oct 24, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,560
First Release: Sep 17, 2015
Last Update: Sep 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
256 ratings
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