Hello, thank you for using my plugin! If you have any questions or issues regarding this update, please contact me. Stay tuned for more awesome updates!
• now supports spigot 1.13.
• updated example boxes - replaced common mystery box with ancient treasure box and mythic treasure box.
• updated opening animation - it's just fancier!
• improved customize opening menu.
• improved mystery vault manager menu.
• improved mystery vault list menu.
• improved crafting menu.
• improved and optimized commands.
• improved help commands - "/mb commands" and "/mb permissions".
• improved debug commands - "/mb checkvariables", "/mb checklanguage", "/mb listboxes", "/mb boxinfo", and "/mb lootinfo".
• execute commands faster - "~" will be replaced with your name (e.g. "/mb setboxes ~ ancient-treasure-box 10").
• fixed players being able to open menus without proper permission.
• players will get different loots when opening more than one box.
• players can open ten boxes at once.
• placeholder extension not supported.
If the plugin is not working correctly, then run the commands from below. If there's at least one path missing or empty, your config is outdated or broken and needs to be fixed.
• Debug config.yml file: "/mb checkvariables <print paths (true/false)>"
• Debug language.yml file: "/mb checklanguage <print paths (true/false)>"
The safest way to fix your config is to delete it and let the plugin generate a new one.