• The player data is now grouped into folders, and each player data has it's own player data file.
• Added a "/mb debuglanguage <true/false>" command which allows you to scan the language file for missing paths:
◦ When true, the plugin will print all the paths.
Work in Progress:
- advanced commands to debug boxes (/mb listboxes, /mb boxinfo, /mb lootinfo, etc.).
- each mystery box has its own file in the "mystery-boxes" folder.
- more configuration options for the opening effects.
- ability to control player data while offline.
- overall better performance.
- 1.13 support.
I'm aiming to release the WIP stuff on v3.6.9 (some features might be released later).
Hello, thank you for using my resource! If you have any questions or issues regarding this update, please contact me. Stay tuned for more awesome updates!
You might want to delete the old configuration files because there might be paths missing.
NEW! You can check for paths missing using the "/mb debuglanguage <true/false>" command.