⭐ MysteryBoxes ⭐ The Ultimate Loot Boxes ✨ icon

⭐ MysteryBoxes ⭐ The Ultimate Loot Boxes ✨ -----

✨Vault ✨Crafting ✨Gifts ✨Themes ✨Songs ✨Upgrades ✨Stats

Version: v1.21.01
Beautiful, functional, simple yet sophisticated... another excellent plugin from this author

Version: v1.20.52
Vey great plugin but would be very great and helpful when there will be update notify message, for now there are lot of updates, and I can''t keep with this xD

Version: v1.20.40
I've been running servers for a while and always on the lookout for plugins that can bring something new to the table. This crates plugin caught my eye because it promised a unique experience, similar to what you might find on big servers like Hypixel, but with its own distinct features—and it delivered!

Setting up was a breeze, thanks to the wide range of customization options. It’s so versatile; I can tweak everything to fit perfectly with the vibe of our server. Plus, the user interface is a hit among my players; they find it straightforward and exciting, especially when opening crates.

What really sets this plugin apart, though, is the exceptional developer support. I ran into an issue early on and reached out for help. Not only did they respond quickly, but they also went out of their way to resolve it—even though it turned out to be a problem with a third-party system and not the plugin itself. Their willingness to step in and fix things that weren’t even their responsibility was truly above and beyond.

This plugin has not just met but exceeded my expectations in every way. It's made our gaming experience richer and more enjoyable. If you’re looking to spice up your server with some high-quality crate action, this is the plugin you want. Highly recommended!

Version: v1.20.05
Great plugin; it really stands out from the other boring, typical Crate plugins xD
Author's response
Thank you so much for the review! <3

Version: v1.19.72
Perfect plugin for our server!

- Easy to understand with the newest updates!
- I've had only 2 issues, and both were solved and fixed by the dev within a couple of hours!

Excellent Plugin - Excellent Dev
Author's response
Thank you! :D

Version: v1.19.15
Hellow, I'm putting a review again because a lot of things have changed since then!

• The wiki is now complete and answers most of our questions
• The support is very reactive
• The updates are quite frequent
• The bugs are fixed quite quickly

Anyway, this is the best Mystery Box plugin on the market, thx xeRicker :D
Author's response
Thank you for the review! I'm glad you enjoy the plugin :)

Version: v1.19.05
Wiki could use a update, but this guy is the best support in discord its actually insane how good he is at fixing issues. tysm for the awesome box plugin
Author's response
Thank you so much for the review! :)

Version: v1.19.02
Honestly, it's a good plugin, the dev is quite reactive, the updates are quite frequent.
Negative point : The wiki is not complete enough, we have to ask for help & /mb reload doesn't work :/


- If you are looking for a full-featured MysteryBoxes plugin, I highly recommend it!

Version: v1.18.14
Wow, this really is the best mysterybox plugin ever!
The dev is very helpful and released 2 updates on one day!
This plugin is amazing, thanks xeRicker! (and Eselyx)
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :D

Version: v1.18.09
It's still solid in 1.18. You need to understand syntax and yaml. Very easy to configure if you are able to put in the minimum effort
Author's response
Thanks! :)

Version: v1.18.09
The review below is full of bs.
There is neither a onJoin event call that causes lag nor a lag problem in general as far as our testing goes.
However one thing I have to agree with is that the documentation could be described at best as "lacking". Its not like you can't figure it out yourself... it just takes way too long.
I'd really like to see the wiki finaly beeing overhauled properly and completed. Also the system of having to define every loot as an individual file seems a bit overkill but I guess thats not as easy to change as it would seem.
Author's response
Thank you for the review!

Version: v1.18.09
I suggest you not to buy this plug-in for the following reasons: 1. The author of this plug-in is not active. 2. This plug-in has been created for more than five years, but it doesn't even support the most basic / MB reload. 3. This plug-in has a player join event, which causes a serious lag problem every time a new player joins the server. Finally, the plug-in has so many permissions that the author didn't write down in detail how it is used on the wiki. Terrible plug-ins....
Author's response
Hello, thank you for the review! I've been developing this plugin for years and I'm trying my best to be as much active as I can, but sometimes things happen in life, which I do not have control of. It has been stated that the reload command was disabled because it was causing some problems. Even the Spigot itself tells you to not use the reload command because it's very unstable. If you're looking for help, please join our Discord server, and I'll try my best to help you out. :)

Version: v1.18.09
This plug-in is really powerful and is very suitable for general mini game servers, but I am very worried that this plug-in can't enter / MB reload to restart the plug-in. I have always thought that a plug-in that has been created since 2015 is a perfect type, but this plug-in refreshes my cognition

Version: v1.18.04
Literally the best plugin for this instance. The developer is so nice and takes every word into account. If you want to suggest something, then he will work it out with you. It's literally one of my favorite plugins of all time!
Author's response
Thank you for the review! I appreciate.

Version: v1.17.02 ALPHA
Very good plugin! I was confused at first on how I had to set it up, but after looking around the wiki I picked it up a bit! I would reccomend this to any server owner looking for these things in their hub!
Author's response
Thanks! I’m glad you’re satisfied with the plugin :)

Version: v1.16.01
Very good plugin. It was a bit confusing at first but then I started to understand it. Some feedback is to include some pictures about how to setup your custom boxes so other people can understand it more clearly. Another piece of feedback is can you please update the plugin to 1.17 because the plugin keeps showing errors that the version is outdated.

Version: v1.16.01
========================OUTDATED & DEAD - PLEASE UPDATE ASAP===========================

Version: v389
Quite a nice plugin, I did have issues with versions but I was able to get it to work with 1.12.2 after speaking with the support team and they told me to check versions!

The support is nice and the plugin is to, I would totally recommend it, the reason for 1 less that, I wouldn't say its the best of the best for pricing but other than that its very nice! Good job to the authors.

Version: v389
Updated to the latest version, this is working insanely well. The animations are greatly improved, the customizability is much greater, and the modularity is a nice touch. If you can understand configuration, this loot box plugin is for you. A lot of the bad reviews I see are just from people that are too lazy to learn the layout of the plugin and want something just handed to them on a golden platter. It takes time but it is definitely worth it. If you have questions, join their discord, I'm asking questions there all the time when I get stumped or confused.
10/10 and a nice way to give thanks to people for playing on my server.

Version: v388

Cant understand this.

Head over to a Mystery Box of your choice
Scroll down until you find the "loot-settings" section
Assign a Mystery Loot using a proper format ("loot id;loot chance")

if you are able to go into depth and explain where you should put it on the common.loot table would be awesome cause im looking at

Loot Settings
enabled: true
- "&d-----------------------------------------------------"
- "&d| &f&lMystery Box"
- "&d|"
- "&d| &7Your loot:"
- "&d| &8+&r{LOOT_NAME}"
- "&d|"
- "&d-----------------------------------------------------"
enabled: false
- "&d-----------------------------------------------------"
- "&d| &f&lMystery Box"
- "&d|"
- "&d| &7Your loot:"
- "&d| &8+&r{LOOT_NAME}"
- "&d|"
- "&d| &7Since you already had this loot before,"
- "&d| &7you receive &d{DUPLICATE_DUST} Mystery Dust &7instead."
- "&d-----------------------------------------------------"

enabled: true
broadcast-to-player: false
- "&8[&dMysteryBoxes&8]: &e{PLAYER} &rhas found &r{LOOT_NAME}&r!"
enabled: true
broadcast-to-player: false
- "&8[&dMysteryBoxes&8]: &e{PLAYER} &rhas found &r{LOOT_NAME}&r!"

enabled: true
execute-as-player: false
- "mysteryboxes adddust {PLAYER} 50"
enabled: true
execute-as-player: true
- "mysteryboxes adddust {PLAYER} {DUPLICATE_DUST}"

enabled: true
enabled: true

enabled: true
- BALL;false;false;0;GREEN;LIME
enabled: true
- BALL;false;false;0;GREEN;LIME
No idea where to put it.. you got loot settings on common.box.yml which makes no sense cause you haven't explained what each thing does in the config. or any config in that matter.
Author's response
If you need support, please join our discord.

Version: v388
When I first read the spigot page, I was rather excited as it seemed perfect, but I can assure you it's far from it.

In terms of mechanics, It does what it says on the tin, however, some of it is misleading.

To start with, the section on opening themes is very misleading, borderline false advertisement as you can not create a custom theme which might be okay if there was more than 2. Some of the themes shown in the picture do not exist. You either have no theme/regular opening, Christmas one or some apocalypse one and that is it!

Creating loot is rather challenging to comprehend and requires you to make a mass amount of files as you need one file per loot which is beyond frustrating HOWEVER I do like the ability to create custom effects per type of loot.

SQL Mode only saves the statistics and raw data, so if you are running a network as this plugin says it is designed for, you will need to copy all the files across as the actual boxes and loot are stored in the files, not SQL.

Lack of commands is shocking! I couldn't believe my own eyes when I found out the plugin does not even include a functioning reload feature and instead, you must restart the server or install a 3rd party plugin. You can NOT create loot or boxes with commands but instead must do all through files.

Some config options do not work such as the view distance of Holograms above the vaults, which can only be created through a difficult to find GUI as there is no simple command to create a vault or enable editor.

The worst thing I have seen so far is that the Wiki is incomplete to an nth degree, most of the things I have learned I have learned though hours of sifting through files trying to piece together obscure naming of options.

I have attempted to speak with the developer a number of time, on the first event they began answering some simple questions and then quit and didn't come back and even as I and two others are waiting for support or simple answers, there are none given even when we can see they are online.

To sum up, this plugin does exactly what it says (except for the themes which I think should be re-worded as it is outrageous and out of line that something so misleading is advertised). However, the user experience is terrible; the support SO FAR is the worst of any plugin I have ever bought. The lack of a wiki or simple comments in the dozens of files to explain things is also outrageous.

I will continue to use this plugin because I can't find anything to replace it, this seems to be the only mystery box plugin with animations. Still, if there were another, I would report this plugin to spigot for being unworthy of the price and for as I feel, misleading me on false information and the lack of support and I would request a full refund.

I only hope that either the developer gets their stuff together, makes a wiki, begin providing active support and (correct the spigot page about the themes OR change the plugin to allow for custom themes OR add more than just two themes) OR hands this plugin off to someone else who can fix it and give it the love it needs OR is replaced.

At the time of writing, I recommend this plugin because it is the only one, but that is the only reason, if there were another, I would not.

To the developer: please take what I have said as constructive and not offensive and cause everything I have said, needs to be fixed.
Author's response
Hello. We are working at more themes right now. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I have removed the WIP pictures from the thread

you can find out wiki here: https://github.com/Eselyx/MysteryBoxes/wiki

Version: v388
The concept and idea of the plugin is great, but take care before buying this as the description here on spigot is very misleading.

- There is no way to add additional themes or customize the existing themes. They are simply hard coded in the source code. There isn't even an API to extend them.
- Configuring loot is just possible with using commands. Nothing else.
- The documentation itself is terrible to none existant. Not even the very small amount of examples are commented.
- Configuring new loot means copy and pasting 90% of configuration if only 10% if it needs adaption.

The animations and idea behind it is great, but the user (admin) experience and flexibility not so much.

I am still gonna try and use this, but only until I made a plugin myself that takes the concept of those animations and puts them in a proper framework.
Author's response
I'm really sorry to hear this, please join our Discord, so we can stay in touch and I will do everything in my power to help you. Thank you!

Version: v388
Great plugin. Been using it for quite a while now. If you are thinking about getting another crate plugin-- don't. This is the best it gets.
Author's response
Thank you! :)

Version: v386
The plugin is good, but for a Premium plugin, it's insane how hard it is to figure out how to work this plugin. None of the provided examples have any actual content in them to help you understand how they work. The wiki page telling you how to implement loot literally just says to put in loot any way you see fit.

Uhh, thanks? But... how?

Using Discord just to figure out how to even operate the plugin is mandatory and in no way optional because of the extremely poor way the plugin delivers its new user experience.

I'm baffled this even exists.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to use the plugin, but saying that the user friendliness needs work would be the understatement of the century.

Version: v386
The support has not responded for 5 days, in mysterybox you can't fix 1 bug or 2 weeks ago, the custome opening doesn't go in 1.16.4r3, you can't load 1 full edit menus so you can customize the menu the way you want it like in "deluxemenu" no I recommend it to anyone.
Author's response
You are lying in the support. We are asking you to try with the default config, you claim you did, but clearly continued to send us errors with an edited file. When we called out your misinformation, you said it was "just a joke".

We cannot help a user who is refusing to correctly answer our questions. The plugin is working perfectly fine for everyone else.

Version: v384
Good plugin, however it is painfully outdated if your server is 1.8. What you see on the page isnt what you get if you're planning to use it for 1.8.
Author's response
We have always made it clear that we priortize support for the latest version.

You purchased this plugin over a year ago and now you are giving us a review because we aren't fully supporting a version which has been outdated for not one but SEVERAL years already.

Supporting 1.8, a version which has been outdated for years, would more than double the work we would have to spend into coding the plugin. We cannot and will not do that.

We, despite it not being worth financially, still spent time to work on a legacy version whenever we have enough free time to atleast offer something for 1.8 users.

It is sad to see that users are harming our project despite us being always completely honest about our priorities and how we will handle support for older versions.

Since people are using the legacy version as something to complain about, rather than someone to appreciate, we have decided to drop it completely. We will stop working on it. Thanks for your review.

Version: v383
Absolutely amazing plugin. It is constantly getting amazing updates, the plugin author has worked with me personally to fix updates and issues that arose. They are very quick to respond and not only its an awesome plugin. I could not have asked for a better plugin and plugin developer!

Version: v382
Is an excellent plugin
But is it not supported in 1.6.4?
I hope the update will be available soon
Author's response
1.6.4? It's working in 1.16.4. Please don't use the review section to get support.

Version: v382
Very good quality plugin present and top support. I really recommend it, moreover the plugin is updated quite often.
Author's response
Thank you! :)

Version: v381
five stars plugin .
Author's response
Thanks, I appreciate it! :)

Version: v381
Absolutely amazing plugin, so happy that the head skins load for me now after swapping over to paper. Can't wait to implement these new features!!!
Author's response
Thank you! :)

Version: v380
If you need a MysteryBox plugin that's the best solution! Nice plugin, nice support, nice developers. Also it doesn't affect the performance.
Author's response
Thank you for the review! I'm glad you enjoy the plugin. :)

Version: v377
======================================No Wiki======================================
Author's response

Version: v375
Such a great resource! We've been using it on our server for a while now and no problems occurred so far!

Version: v374
It's honestly a great feature-rich and well-designed plugin, but I'm only giving it a 1-star review as it was a complete waste of money. I can't use the plugin at all as my server has a 1.12.2 base version. On the date of my purchase, this plugin had a version, supporting Minecraft 1.12.X (despite it being super broken at that time), and there was very little to no support for the buyers.

But unfortunately, the 1.12.X support was removed, and there hasn't been any movement to show your care, love, appreciation, and support for your buyers who have a 1.12.X base version. Which is sad, and that's the reason for my 1-star review... :(

@xeRicker, Hope you realize that the title of your plugin was (and still is) misleading, and I'm not sure if you know what it actually means?!...

"[1.8-1.16]" means "[1.8-TO-1.16]" I think the proper title for this plugin would be "[1.8, 1.14-1.16]".

Again, sorry for the 1-star review but you kind of just left us in the dust dude... which is super uncool!! :/
Author's response
I changed the title, however it was only changed to the previous one a couple of days ago, so it did not negatively affect you at all.

You are literally starting your review with "It's honestly a great feature-rich plugin" and then you proceed to give it 1 out of 5 stars (= "Poor", among the worst plugins on this website).

I don't think that's fair at all, considering you were never entitled to receive future updates and especially not to receive them for a version which is outdated for several years now.

Before we ditched the support for 1.12, which was outdated since well over a year when we did, we asked buyers to report any bugs or issues to get them fixed before we move on.

I can understand your frustration, but I don't think that it justifies this rating.

Version: v370
This plugin is realy good, it got a good configuration. And I have nothing bad to say about it
Author's response
Thanks a lot for the review!

Version: v369
This plugin was good, older versions worked great in 1.15.2 but ever since going to 1.16 many key components appear to be not working rendering the plugin unusable. After troubleshooting it for a while with clean servers and clean installs, I was unable to get it to work with 1.16. At this point, I'm looking to move to other crate plugins which sucks because this one integrated perfectly into the server.

Version: v369
Everything is broken and if it works it will get broken with the next update. This plugin has been sitting in my server over a month now trying to get everything to work but never happened.

I just took the loss and decided to drop this, support is awful aswell with both developers mostly ignoring people's questions.

Its a cool plugin if done right, but this just doesn't work. Not even close.

Version: v367
No wiki help for this plugin, tried asking the support in Discord. no one helped at all. I'm sure the plugin is great and all but with no help and no updated videos on how to use this. It's useless. Some permissions dont even work that you find in the config file. I wouldn't recommend putting this stress on yourself and your server.
Author's response
There is a wiki, but it's WIP. As for the support, usually we do give instant support, but because I have my semester exams right now I don't have enough time. I'm sorry for the issue but I think a couple of days with slower support are reasonable in such a time.

Version: v367
It´s a good plugin, I would suggest having a guide for all the users like me, I have been like 1 week for understanding this plugin. I also suggest to add PlaceHoldersApi support, for showing in a scoreboard the amount of Dust of boxes.

Version: v365
Good plugin and works well on 1.15
But I hope I can see this plugin work on 1.16
Still waiting for 1.16 version for a long time.
Author's response
Hello, thanks for your review. We are working on the 1.16 update

Version: v364
MYSQL features don't work. Don't suggest to buy this.
Zero help from a developer, only ignore.
Author's response
Sorry but we are humans too and sometimes we have something going on in real life. Please be a bit more patient

Version: v361
Gotta say this is a phenomenal plugin. Takes a pretty long time to set up. (For some newer people to hosting servers, quite a bit longer) But once set up it runs flawlessly. The customizability is insane (which makes it take a bit longer) but that's what really makes this plugin stand above other loot box plugins.
Author's response
Thanks for the kind review :)

Version: v352
Great Plugin! Would reccomend the developer! (The Developer is a fast responding amazing person).

I have bought 2 plugins both which have worked.
Ignoring what all the other people have said about needing support the only real suggestion I have to them is to not use /mb help and use /mb commands. The Dev has brought alot of hope and dreams to my server thanks so much for creating this and constantly updating it I guarantee if my server gets a good playerbase it will be from the plugins like this.
Author's response
Thanks a lot for the great review! :)

Version: v352
There is no documentation for the plugin. There is no normal communication with the developer.
The plugin probably works, but how to configure it? Why is there no list of commands with /mb help ?
Author's response
You sent me a private message on Spigot to ask for Support. The thread clearly states to join our discord server to receive support. I can't give support on multiple different places. Join the one place you are told to join and you will receive support.

It's sad to receive such a review when the user apparently hasn't even looked at the thread.

Version: v351
The best network box plugin out there! Definitely worth the money! I like how its similar to Hypixels and its EXTREMELY customization! As the name says!

Version: v351
aucune aide sur les commandes sur la page de présentation aucun wiki et aucune info sur le developpement, présentation nul.
Author's response
Sadly you haven't contacted the Support and asked for help.

Version: v351
The plugin is really terrible. I am using this on a paper 1.15.2 server and it doesn't even work, like no command works. I try doing the command /mysteryboxes and it says I don't have the permission even though I am op. Real waste of money.
Author's response
The plugin works fine. There must be a mistake on your end. Sadly you haven't tried contacting support for help.

Version: v351
Nice plugin, but has a lot of bugs that are not fixed, SQL is completely broken, some config paths are not working causing the plugin to break, and the developers are not so quick to respond, if at all (One developer did try to help once then went dark). I would suggest waiting until that changes before buying this plugin.
Author's response
You have messaged us over the weekend, when both of us weren't home.

There are some issues with the Legacy version right now, that's true. You can download an older version until we fix these bugs.

The normal version is working fine.

Version: v351
I just started using this plugin a few days ago, and I feel like I can already leave a review for it.

The thing I love the most about MysteryBoxes is the amount of customizing you can do with it. It takes a little learning to do before you can actually use the plugin and get cracking but after you learn how to edit the configurations and start creating crates it becomes something that has endless possibility! Thanks for making such a amazing plugin and I can't wait to see what comes in future!

The only thing that I think would make the plugin easier to use is a /mb help page.
Author's response
Hello, thank you for the review! :)

Version: v349
I would give more, but its not even close to finished even while opped with perms you cant open most tabs, you delete a mystery vault the Hologram saying Mystery Vault is there, No possible way to remove it with commands, only way to remove it is by not using this plugin which im highly considering...

Present a fix for that and i will be happy

EDIT: Even after removal of plugin the Mystery Box holograms remain, i recommend not buying If the DEV does not fix this


Manage to fix by doing "/minecraft:kill @e[type=armor_stand]"
apart from a few bug in your plugin its a good purchase
Author's response
Thanks for updating your review! Could you please give me a list of those "few bugs" so that I can fix them? :)

Version: v349
- It does NOT have a functioning reload
- The configs are constantly having to be regenerated every patch!
- The drop odds do NOT work!
- It does NOT have a functioning reload
- The documentation is missing or barebones
- Half of the shown buttons do not work
Author's response
It is recommended to use plugman to reload single plugins. As for the config, with such a complicated and long config as MysteryBoxes, it would be too difficult to auto-update it every patch. If you don't want to add the new features, don't update, if you do want to use them, spend 5 seconds to copy and paste the additional line into the config. It's very simple. Thanks for your feedback!

Version: v349
Terrible plugin, full of problems, console errors and incompatibility with spigot versions. I do not recommend buying at all!
Author's response
The plugin is full of problems and console errors because you are using incompatible versions. There is an older 1.12 version available.

I think it's ridiculous to rate the plugin 1/5 stars just because the latest version isn't compatible with a 4 year old (!), outdated Spigot version while even an older compatible version is available.

Version: v348
Really awesome plugin! The developer is also really nice! I recommend buying this plugin!
Author's response
Thank you a lot! :D

Version: v348
fast and great support from the author xeRicker for helping me in discord this plugin is a must have for any server to reword players with MysteryBoxes easy configuration ,it has a good potential and its becoming a fully customized in each in every update and yes its supporting PAPER am using paper 1.14.4 ....

well deserved
Author's response
Thank you so much!! :)

Version: v345
I'm using Paper Spigot 1.12.2, which is not a supported version.
Even though, it took a while to get decent support but after a while the staff was cooperative.

Still, there is no good wiki that will help you to configure this plugin. Staff will tell you that there are videos on youtube. These are 3 years old but according to staff the config has not changed much.

If you're looking to buy this plugin in hopes that its an easy set up, please look further. If you're willing to spend some time on this plugin. Then this plugin has nice features for you.
Author's response
Thanks for updating your review. We were never uncooperative, but we couldn't help you before you specified your issues.

It's true that the plugin might appear complicated and confusing at first, but we think that it's actually pretty straight forward if you read and try to understand the commands and config.

There is no wiki because we don't think it's necessary, as most of the people have no issues to set up the plugin and for the other ones we always offer help via. discord.

I hope you can still enjoy the 1.12 version of the plugin or otherwise find what you are looking for. Good luck!

Version: v339
Take a bit long to get supported and to make to plugin work but all good now, i'm run on 1.8.8 if anyone wonder.
Author's response
Thank you for the review! :)

Version: v336
Please do not spend money on this plugin!
- The configs are constantly having to be regenerated every patch!
- The drop odds do NOT work!
- It does NOT have a functioning reload
- The documentation is missing or barebones
- Half of the shown buttons do not work
- It at some point crashed, spamming a player with a reward constantly and forever. I removed the plugin at this point.
- Missing essential placeholders

Please use your money on active dev's who spend time on their plugins!

Version: v332
Update 1.15 please! :( :( :( :) ..
Author's response
The 1.15 update is coming soon. :)

Version: v322
There is support for 1.8 AND 1.14 but NOT for 1.12 ??
1.8 and 1.12 are very similar so it would be very easy to add compatibility for it.

You say "1.12 is outdated" but you add 1.8 support ???

Incomprehensible dev.

Version: v318
Very disappointed with this purchase did not work for my 14.4.4 server, surprisingly this is out yet
Author's response
I'm very sorry that you're not satisfied with the purchase. I have sent you a private message, so we can resolve the problem. :)

Version: v314
Mega geiles Plugin, netter Support die sind sofort für Rat und Tat zur Stelle, und versuchen zu helfen wo es nur geht. Ich kann euer Plugin nur weiter empfehlen, ich könnte nichts schlechtes darüber sagen.
Author's response
Danke für die Bewertung! Ich hoffe euch gefällt das Plugin!

Version: v314
Finally supports it supports 1.8x Thanks for new update. I'll use on my minecraft server.
Author's response
Thank you for the positive review! I hope you enjoy the plugin! :)

Version: v313
fast support, and a nice plugin working on 1.14.4. Thank you for your plugin ....
Author's response
Thank you for the positive review! I hope you enjoy the plugin! :)

Version: v312
1.12: Well, yes, yes. I went.

The author, add finally support 1.12. You are asked by people who have spent their money on your work. And you ignore, believing that everyone in the world moves to a new version of the game at the click of a finger...
Author's response
The support for 1.12 has been dropped after 1.12 has been outdated for over half a year. I'm sorry but if you're not willing to keep your server updated you can't keep this plugin updated. You bought the plugin after the support for the old, outdated version has already been dropped and we never made a secret out of this.

Version: v310
There is no support for 1.12. The developer believes that his opinion about 1.12 is higher than the opinion of his customers, and purposefully ignores the wishes of buyers to implement support for 1.12. Highly do not recommend the plugin due to this fact. The developer of its policy on the versions of Minecraft will force your project to move to new versions at the click of a finger. You will say goodbye to the support of the plugin, if you are a little late with the transition to the new version of Minecraft.

The new page on Spigot is disgusting, no information on setting up and operating the plugin.

Apparently, the author purposefully decided to lower the plugin to the bottom.
Author's response
The support for 1.12 has been dropped after 1.12 has been outdated for over half a year. I'm sorry but if you're not willing to keep your server updated you can't keep this plugin updated. You bought the plugin after the support for the old, outdated version has already been dropped and we never made a secret out of this.

Version: v310
Doesn't support 1.12, no documentation provided, plugin doesn't work correctly. If you are thinking on buying this plugin... It's not worth it, TRUST ME!.
Author's response
The support for 1.12 has been dropped after 1.12 has been outdated for over half a year. I'm sorry but if you're not willing to keep your server updated you can't keep this plugin updated. You bought the plugin after the support for the old, outdated version has already been dropped and we never made a secret out of this.

Version: v310
No support provided whatsoever!
Been waiting 5 months for an issue to be resolved.
No 1.12 support. No MySQL support. No Support regarding the plugin in general.
Author's response
The support for 1.12 has been dropped after 1.12 has been outdated for over half a year. I'm sorry but if you're not willing to keep your server updated you can't keep this plugin updated. You bought the plugin after the support for the old, outdated version has already been dropped and we never made a secret out of this.

Version: v308
Newest version can not be used on 1.12.2.

The old version for 1.12.2(MB3.68)can not use MYSQL.
And can't set the language.
Please update for 1.12 as everyone is asking.

Version: v308
Not implemented support 1.12. Sadly.

character character character character character
Author's response
The support for 1.12 has been dropped after 1.12 has been outdated for over half a year. I'm sorry but if you're not willing to keep your server updated you can't keep this plugin updated. You bought the plugin after the support for the old, outdated version has already been dropped and we never made a secret out of this.

Version: v307
Hello!player Opening GUI for the first time can cause server collapse!What can I do to solve this problem?
Author's response
Thank you for the positive review! Please update the plugin and see if this solves the problem. :)

Version: v307
Awesome plugin for your server . The animations and sounds really set this one apart from the others . A must have !
Author's response
Thank you for the positive review! I hope you enjoy the plugin! :)

Version: v307
We originally purchased this plugin several months ago, and tried using it with our Minigames server. We were never able to get it working. Our issues with the plugin are:
- MySQL issues
- Lack of documentation
- Lack of Discord support (Questions get buried under other issues and never answered)
Full review:
The documentation for this plugin is very sparse. No additional documentation is available after plugin purchase, and you’re expected to use the ingame help for all setup. We joined the Discord server for support, and our questions were quickly buried and never answered. We eventually discovered the issue was threefold. One was the plugin does not function with MySQL (Or MariaDB). They do mention this In small text at the bottom of their page, I’m not sure if this disclaimer was there when we purchased the plugin. The second issue was a config corruption on our end. It seems the config needs to be regenerated when you update the plugin. We asked for assistance in the Discord and eventually figured it out ourselves. The third issue was we were using an incompatible server software, which was resolved when we tried the plugin on our 1.12.2 Spigot minigames server.
As of the latest update, MySQL is still not working on 1.13 Spigot.

Version: v307
A few months waiting for support 1.12 in the latest versions of the plugin, the author promised.

The new page on Spigot is disgusting, no information on setting up and operating the plugin.

Apparently, the author purposefully decided to lower the plugin to the bottom.
Author's response
Hello. I agree that the plugin page is a bit lacking atm and I will do my best to improve it. However, I was very clear about the 1.12 version not being supported anymore with priority. I said I will try to make another update for the 1.12 version if I find the time for it, but sadly I don't have enough time for that right now. I was pretty clear about future updates generally only supporting the newest version of Minecraft.

Version: v305
Great plugin, but would really love to see this plugin get updated to work with 1.14.3. I would definitely give it a 5 star rating!
Author's response
Why do you give the plugin an average rating while at the same time saying its a great plugin? It will be updated once I have time for it and leaving a bad review won't make it faster, sorry!

Version: v302
No support and newest version can not use on 1.12.2.

The old version for 1.12.2(MB3.68)can not use MYSQL.
And can't set the language.

Disappointed !

Don't buy unless updated!

Version: v302
- External Place Holder not implemented yet
- MYSQL isn't working anymore (Used to)
- Invisible armor stands stacking above each other after each server restart
- Owner doesn't seem to be in a hurry to fix these issues.

Will change this review when these things are fixed.

Version: v300
A great plugin that also has a great developer that has great motive to making this plugin behind them. Thanks for all of the work that you have put into making this masterpiece.

Continue to do so, <3.
Author's response
Thank you for the positive review! I hope you enjoy the plugin. :)

Version: v199
Its a great plugin but has some issues, will give five stars as soon as the basic commands work addust addboxes

Version: v198
good work.........................
i love this plugin..................
up 5 star guys =)
Author's response
Thank you so much! :)

Version: v197
Very good plugin, but where can i find the help of commands, permissions...?..............
Author's response
/mb commands
/mb permissions

Version: v196
Literally the only good thing about this plugin is the animations. Free ones do everything else better and aren't riddled with unfixable bugs.

It's tedious to configure and full of bugs. To make things worse it lacks any documentation, and as you can see by the reviews and discussion pages on here, if you ever ask for any you are told to go to the discord where you get laughably bad support where the dev frequently stops responding to questions when he presumably can't solve them, is rude, and tells people to look at this page or in game for help learning the plugin.

Here are a few screenshots I took of the support discord: https://imgur.com/a/q3kJZbr

Unless the animations are really that important to you free alternatives are just better in every single way.
Author's response
If there are so many issues - Would you be able to name ONE SINGLE bug right now?

You are showing people complaining about bugs - Yet you aren't showing my responses telling them how their misconfiguration caused these issues.

In 9 out of 10 cases, when someone complains about "bugs", they've entered a wrong command or misconfigurated the plugin.

There is not one single confirmed issue or bug with the plugin as of today. There is only one open bug report, which has not been confirmed as a bug rather than misconfiguration yet.

Version: v195
I honestly think this plugin is great. The Guide to use this plugin is said to use "/mb commands" and "/mb permisions" but to elaborate to really get started you will use /mb menu to really get started. The lack of anymore information is annoying but is made up for with the abysmally good support you get on the discord. They have looked at player's configs and all. The Author cares about his plugin and it shows. This is a very very powerful crate plugin, so it does take a bit of studying to figure out. Once you get it down though, you won't ever want to use a different crate plugin again. I heavily recommend.
Author's response
Thanks alot!
I know the documentation isn't the best yet, and we are working on a Wiki already.

Version: v4.0.23
Looks good in theory, but good luck finding documentation or help. You'll be met with /mb commands, /mb permission which while helpful, are not a full picture of how to use this. When enabling MySQL, you have no boxes and no way to create them in game.
Author's response
"Good luck fining help"
- You asked for help, and a few mintues later you said "nvm, I'm gonna use another plugin instead"

While our help is very fast and good, you should be a bit more patient and allow more than a few minutes for a reponse.

Version: v4.0.23
Although I have had some initial problems, I gave the newest version (v4.0.23) and I would say I'm now impressed with how it runs now. Well worth the money now as opposed to the last version.
Author's response
Thank you for the positive review!

Version: v4.0.23
Although the version above 4.0.0 has some bugs,but the developer is hard-working and solved all problems i report,why don't buy a plugin which is often updated and always great?
Author's response
Thank you for the positive review! I hope you enjoy the plugin. :)

Version: v4.0.23
small bugs but fast to get back to me and solve the issues i have. would like to have the percentage system allow any number and convert it to a percentage, that way you can have a percentage less than 1%.
item 1: percentage chance, 1000
item 2: percentage chance, 5

results in the item 1 being a percentage of 99.99
and results in item 2 being a percentage of 00.05

its not a perfect example :/ but i believe you understand what im getting at, I should be able to pick any number i wish without it having to add up to 100 resulting in a higher or lower chance based on said number
Author's response
Thank you for the positive review! The percentage system will be updated.

Version: v4.0.22
Good plugin overall but I would like to know where I could find the permissions, commands and examples of interesting configuration because there is no.
Author's response
The review section is not a place to ask for support. You should've joined the Support Discord instead.

Version: v4.0.22
I tried to give some constructive Feedback and faced a mad dev who was not willing to accept any of my points. Instead he is calling me an "arrogant person".
I do like that some Teens are trying out some stuff and are getting in to the coding Topic. But to expect everyone to appreciate your work is a bit arrogant.
I told him what i do expect to call something "well coded". Clean code, test coverage and recognizable Design patterns. Also a structure in the configuration that represents the functiallity in a modular way.
Author's response
The plugin works exactly like advertised. You wanted it to be something completely different and posted a bad review because it was not. Yes, you are an arrogant person if you believe everyone needs to change their products to please your (worthless) opinion.

And yes, that might be disrespectful to say, but the disrespectful way you treat other people caused be to lose every respect I could possibily have for you.

You suggested I stopped working on Spigot and instead create an open source community to maintain my plugins - I refused, that's why you're spamming me with negative reviews now.

Your "reviews" have nothing to do with constructive feedback. I've explained very well as a response to your older review why your "feedback" is pure garbage and I still hold that opinion.

For any interested buyers:
If you're looking for the product advertised, his reviews do not matter for you and you can ignore them

If you're looking for a completly different product, like this guy, congratulations, I don't mind you searching for something else instead, and I truely hope you'll find what you're looking for

Version: v4.0.22
Hands down, the most satisfying crate to open on Spigot. After testing many of the free, and paid alternatives for crates, my personal opinion is - MysteryBoxes are the way to go.

Offering very professional animations, fully customizable features, responsive developer(s), and an active Discord, this plugin has been an excellent edition to our community.

Thank you for this wonderful resource!

Version: v4.0.21
This plugin is probably the best and most customizable crates plugin I've ever used and I'm going to continue loving it for a good long time.

Version: v4.0.21
As a user of the plugin and Discord, I would like to shed light on the previous review that has painted this plugin badly as well as telling you a bit more.

1) You are not forced to rate 5 stars in the Discord server and a majority of the users in the server do not rate the resource for the VIP role. It has no benefit.

2) The plugin is already very functional, it does not need to be open source. This is something that is shared across most plugins and an extremely high percentage of premium plugins.

3) From what I have seen, the developer of the plugin is experienced and has shown this throughout. They are able to quickly fix bugs as shown through the update history of this plugin.

4) The configuration is laid out clearly and is easy to understand. If you have any issues with this, their staff are available to help you in understanding what different options do.

So far, I am more than satisfied with the performance and functionality of this plugin and I hope that I will be able to continue to do so.

Thanks so much to the developer of the plugin, please make sure that you continue to update the plugin with more bug fixes and additions to make sure that the plugin can stay relevant, exciting and popular.

Version: v4.0.21
Even if the support is good.
The config seems to be quite unstructured and messi.

Functionality is not extendable. As the devs keep the code private there is no possibility to quickly fork and adjust or even check the quality of the code itself.

Even if they spend a lot of time in creating this animations this plugin does not seem to be developed by expirienced devs. I would not recommend it to people with serious projects.
For hobby servers/projects its fine.

-1 star because they force people to rate 5* to get VIP on their "Support Discord" There is no documentation. They do only have this discord to get more 5* raitings. Sad story
Author's response
EDIT: I have had a longer talk with this person, and he has no idea what he is talking about.

He simply came to the wrong place with wrong expectations. He wanted a community maintained open source project. He isn't judging my plugin at what it is, but at what he wants it to be.

It's like buying a chair, trying to use it as a bed and then complaining it's not comfortable. Sadly, he is very arogant and won't accept any arguments.

My original response can be found here:

"The config seems to be quite unstructured and messi."

1. Not true, it's a modular config, it is clearly structured. Many options don't make it messy, many options cause a high customizeability. Everything is in a pretty straight forward structure

"Functionality is not extendable. As the devs keep the code private there is no possibility to quickly fork and adjust or even check the quality of the code itself."

2. This is the most stupid thing I've ever read in a review. Besides the fact that it's completely common to keep the code private for premium plugins (nearly every plugin comes without the source)

3. you didn't even ask me for the code.

"Even if they spend a lot of time in creating this animations this plugin does not seem to be developed by expirienced devs."

4. Why? Everything works exactly as advertised, and the plugin runs very smooth. You're making a claim without backing it up.

"-1 star because they force people to rate 5* to get VIP on their "Support Discord"

5. You were NEVER forced to rate 5 stars. The VIP role is purely cosmetic, all it does is changing your name from yellow to purple. That's it. It's completely voluntarily and gives you no advantages at all.

"They do only have this discord to get more 5* raitings. Sad story"

6. That's simply not true. We are very active in the discord and we're helping everyone extremly fast (including you!). At the beginning of the review you said yourself "Even if the support is good." - and now you just claim that the discord isn't giving real support?

We are giving support in over 10 different languages, around the clock. I think you've no idea what you're talking about.

I think the last paragraph showed pretty much how unobjective your review is. I accept criticism (such as for the lack of very detailed documentation), but 90% of your review is either wrong or dumb.

Version: v4.0.20
Nice animations, constant updates, nice support, highly configurable. Recommended!
Author's response
Thank you for the positive review!

Version: v4.0.20
This plugin is simply awesome c:
You can customize everything and the support is really fast from the Author. If you are searching for a MysteryBoxes then this is the perfect one for you.

Thanks for this awesome plugin c;
Author's response
Thank you for the positive review!

Version: v4.0.20
Overall, this plugin is an extremely good and lightweight plugin that adds some amazing features to your server. This is then added onto by the amazing responses of the developer as well as the staff team through their Discord server. The developer is quick to add good new features as well as fix existing bugs with the plugin.

Thanks so much for the hard work, I hope that you continue to work and develop this plugin.
Author's response
Thank you for the positive review!

Version: v4.0.20
I r8 8/8 m8, best plugin out there! If only /mb adddust player name would update the dust to the database instead of just ingame xD :3
Author's response
I will look into this issue. Thanks for the review.

Version: v4.0.20
This plugin is worth the money. Good plugin for any gamemode!!! Very good plugin nice effects, highly customizable, easy to config, all I could dream of is in it.
Author's response
Thank you for the positive review!

Version: v4.0.19
Would not suggest using if you plan on using this for 1.13.2. I've reported the errors and issues multiple times but those issues continue to be ignored while new features are being added almost weekly. Most people in his discord claim that the plugin works great on 1.12.2 which is great, but don't advertise it works on 1.13.2 if doesn't. I've moved on and found a new plugin, suggest you do the same.
Author's response
Ths plugin works fine on 1.13.2, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Version: v4.0.18
Excellent work! The developer of this resource is very active and doing his best for you!
Author's response
Thank you for the positive review!

Version: v4.0.17
Unusable for spigot versions older than 1.13. The plugin will not be developed for older spigot versions, which is contrary to the spigot recommendation to continue two separate developments. The documentation is ZERO. Overall rating: Mediocre, but average, not professional.
Author's response
Did you make up all these lies by yourself? The spigot recommendation is NOT to have two seperate versions, it's to support 1.13 only. You claim that it's unusable, yet the 1.12 version has more features because not every feature was ported to 1.13 yet.

This useless review is a desperate attempt to harm me after I explained to you why the post you made in my thread is as wrong as this review.

I'm sorry to hear that you've trouble understanding a very simple config without documentation like the other 99% of the buyers can, but I'd be happy to personally assist and guide you in our discord support server :)

Version: v4.0.17
I really recomend this plugin if you want to give a good crate-experience to your users. Watching them grouping to open their boxes and talking about their loot is so funny. This plugin is fully customizable so you will have fun creating your own crates. The only issue keeping me appart of giving 5 stars are the latest configuration changes that ruined all my previous boxes, although the dev is a really nice person.
Author's response
I'm sorry for the issues caused, but with the type on config MysteryBoxes has (which supports unlimited boxes) it's not possible to make it automatically update.

The changes are minor, you could manually update your config easily

Version: v4.0.15
Why is there an error after connecting to the database?
The error is not solved for a long time?

spigot 1.13.2
Author's response
Please use the discord server for help.

In December, updates are a bit slower because of holidays (christmas, new year)

Version: v4.0.12
Frankly speaking, I have to say that this is among the best plugin available on this site. Well developed, incredibly good support as well as a positively tuned developer. I would recommend this plugin to anyone running a Minecraft server today.

Version: v4.0.12
This plugin was good but with many bugs on my 1.12 server, I waited much time for an update to see the fixes was only for the 1.13.

Version: v4.0.11
The plugin itself is nice but it does not make sense that the latest updates are compatible only with spigot 1.13. Also there is no support for PlayerPoints / Vault to craft mysteryboxes.
Author's response
Yes it does make sense. Maintaining support for multiple versions takes time, and I'd rather spend that time on adding new features. I think you giving only 1 out of 5 stars while yourself saying "the plugin itself is nice" is very unfair and unjustified.

Version: v4.0.9
Awesome plugin!
100% recommended

+ features
+ no bugs
+ it's actively delevoped on
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: v4.0.7
MysteryBoxes - REVIEW

[+] Awesome Support
[+] Active Developer
[+] Lot of Features
[+] Fully Customizable
[+] No Bugs

Really awesome plugin :)

Version: v4.0.6
Very customizable plugin. He is the best.
Very good support and community. 10 of 10

Version: v4.0.6
Update for 1.9 / 1.10/ 1.11 / 1.12 :D.
it would be really cool. Great job gg

Version: v4.0.4
It has never been written that we will only support the current version .
Author's response
It has never been advertised that we will support outdated versions. Your review (which is a duplicate of your previous review, you spammer) is unjustified and all future reviews with the same contect will be ignored.

Version: v4.0.3
no support 1.12 .
Author's response
It does support 1.12 until version 4.0.0.

It was never advertised to support outdated versions forever. Your review is unjustified.

Version: v4.0.3
Cool update! The past too! :)

Author, can you tell me when the update will be ready with Offline-mode? Really looking forward to :)
Author's response
Hello, thank you for the review!

I'm currently working on the Offline-Player feature, but since my data system is coded the way it is, I need to re-code it which is a lot of work.

Version: v4.0.2
Great plugin with great support. This plugin works correctly and have no bugs, I recommend this plugin.

Sorry for my bad English.
Author's response
Thank you for the review! :)

Version: v4.0.1
Perfect resource! This is clearly the best MysteryBox plugin ever created. The developer of the resource is providing good support in their Discord server!
Author's response
Thank you for the review! :D

Version: v4.0.1
I do not recommend buy I want 2 months fix 2 bug and zero support

1 bug = player open box player disconnect server plugin spam error
2 bug = mysql really slow on support more server
3 no support paper spigot idk why all plugin support paper spigot you not
4 plugin for 10€ and all update delete all congiguration

I will fix my rating for fix 1 and 2 bug

Version: v4.0.1
Amazing developer, very active and friendly. He adds what you suggest in a short time. A must-have plugin!

Strongly recommended! 10/10 Keep updating :)

Version: v4.0.1
I will know this developer.
It is a good developer. I have been looking forward to
As he did it

English is not good. Forgive me :)

Version: v4.0.1
Oi. Bought this plugin for a couple of days ago. By far the absolute best Mystery Box plugin on the market. A wonderful developer who answered my questions quickly via DMs.

I'm overwhelmed.

Version: v4.0.1
Absolutely amazing plugin. The developer is so friendly, he helped me to solve all my issues within a couple of minutes via Cube Developments discord server.

Great server for support, and other questions related to plugins, development.

10 out of 10.
If you consider to get this resource - Get it now, immediately!

Version: v4.0.1
I tested it for a while. At the beginning there were a lot of bugs. But it happened a few days ago. The new version got released. It's amazing. There are sooo many and cooool features. Also: The Dev is very good. He responds really fast and helps you with every problem. Thursday (13.09.18 [DD/MM/YY]) I reported a bug and it was fixed yesterday (14.9.18). Now everything works without a single problem. Also the effects are amazing. And you can customize everything. It's has custom placeholders and a lot more. It's really worth every cent.

10 : Excellent
7-9: Very good
4-6: Good
2-4: Ok
1 : Really bad

I'm not getting payed to write this or something. This is just my opinion. If you don't trust me, message me and I will give you the IP to my server to test it

Version: v4.0.1
Okay, author, talked me into doing the right thing. Most ashamed that because of one thing drowning is a good plugin. Too far. Time to mend.

The plugin is great, will recommend to all relatives, friends and just people. Aliens also recommend if possible. Functional level, support is good, updates come out often, but lacks one very important detail (I hope the developer implements this in future updates) - Offline mode. And some of the plug-in can't be translated, unfortunately. Hope this, too, will correct.

Buy the plugin, you will not regret. I have not regretted. The author brilliant, seeks to. And don't give in to the pressure :P

PS. Sorry for my English, I use a translator :)


Ладно, автор, уговорил поступить правильно. Самому стыдно, что из за одной штуки топлю вполне хороший плагин. Слишком далеко зашел. Пора исправится.

Плагин отличный, рекомендую всем родственникам, друзьям и просто людям. Инопланетянам тоже рекомендую по возможности. Функционал на уровне, поддержка хорошая, обновления выходят часто, но не хватает одной очень важной детали (надеюсь разработчик реализует это в будущих обновлениях) - Offline mode. А ещё некоторые части плагина нельзя перевести, к сожалению. Надеюсь это тоже поправят.

Покупайте плагин, не пожалеете. Я не пожалел. Автор молодец, старается. И не поддается на давление :P
Author's response
Hey, Thanks for updating your previous review :P I will add the feature! :)

Version: v4.0.1
Great plugin! Some issues founded in previous version and developer have fixed this in only one day
This plugin have a support team very efficient
I recommend it

Version: v4.0.1
IF you use PaperSpigot, you can't use this plugin, don't buy it if you Paper. have a good time
Author's response
This review is very inappropriate.

This is the official SpigotMC Website - And this is a SpigotMC Plugin. If you wan't to use PaperSpigot, ask before purchasing a Spigot plugin.

Would you rate an iOS App 1/5 stars because it doesn't run on Android?

The plugin not running on PaperSpigot can be blamed on:
- PaperSpigot
- You

It CANNOT be blamed on me or my plugin. Stop making other people responsible for your own incompetence.

Version: v4.0.0
Good plugin pls update MySQL :) .

Version: v4.0.0
After a week I'm here to rate this plugin: TERRIBLE

The plugin have too many issues:
1) We can start by saying that players without permits can create vaults
2) MySQL support doesn't work, when I log in say in console 1000 errors
3) You can't edit many messages and writes on gui
4) When you place a new vault say some errors in console about player data file not found...
5) I can't create new boxes and I need to leave example-box and I can't delete this
6) Developer do absolutly nothing about fixing this problems

TIP: DON'T PURCHASE THIS PLUGIN IF YOU DON'T WANT LOSE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Version: v4.0.0
There are still some errors, but this resource will be better! Please continue to cheer
Author's response
Hello! I try my best to devliver the best plugin possible. If any errors have slipped through, please report them to me so I can fix them instantly!

Version: v4.0.0
ability to control player data while offline.

When will I wait? Year? Two years? Century? Hmm

One thing I ask, that's all. And you, the author, ignore me. But I paid money. Do not ask the impossible...
Author's response
You are not asking for one thing, you are demanding an additional feature to be added - by spamming negative reviews until I do it.

You paid money - And you got exactly what you paid money for + a ton of extra features already added since you purchased the plugin.

As long as you stick to this behavior, I will NEVER add your suggestion. Have a nice day.

Version: v3.6.7
- ability to control player data while offline.

Look forward to. Thank you for hearing.

Version: v3.6.6
Pls add BungeeCord support or fix mysql save idk why not support more server and offline mod

Version: v3.6.6
The author ignores my problem for 2 months. Very sorry that I spent the money. We'll have to spend money on another plugin cases.

I will remind you of my request with each update by understating the rating. |:
Author's response
Sorry to hear that you're unsatisfied with the plugin, but the feature you're asking for was never advertised nor showed in the thread.

It takes time to develop such a feature, but I was thinking about not adding it anytime soon because your behavior is unacceptable.

Have a nice day, thanks!

Version: v3.6.5
The plugin looks great, and after installing it I can tell that there is a lot of room for adding tons of crates to my server. The problem is it doesn't work in 1.13. I will update my review to 5 stars when it does!
Author's response
You still gave 4 stars, not 1 like similiar reviews would do, but you should've simply asked me for 1.13 support or how far I am with that. Pressuring me with a review will never work out, it may only delay it since it might harm my motivation.

Version: v3.6.5
Great plugin, but I'm waiting for the 1.13 version. I suggest you update this plugin with some predefined languages, I can help you with the translations in Spanish & Catalan.
Author's response
Nice! I will come back to you after my vacation!

Funny coincidence, my vacation is in Barcelona, Spain ;)

Version: v3.6.5
The developer still did not realize what I asked for. And I still have to use "crutches" to work the plugin.

Developer, contact me. I will necessarily delete the negative feedback after the implementation of the function that is urgently needed by my server. The plugin is excellent.
Author's response
I don't know how to contact you, since you limit who may visit your profile and you also deactivated private messages.

Version: v3.6.4
Good Plugin, There are 2 things wrong that has made me stop using it.The first one is nearly all updates to the plugin also update the config file. This is a royal pain as you can understand it makes us re-do the whole config file. When there is 100's of items in the crates this can become tedious. The way around this is for the developer make it so the main config changes and have a separate config for the tiers of crates that stays the same.The 2nd issue is that u cant have crates on different worlds. This is a issue that is still present.
Author's response
Thanks for your review!

The problem is - the config of MysteryBoxes is very complex and attempts to make it auto-update have had too many issues. i will still try to work on it, but it's hard and it will require some big changes!

As for creates on different Worlds, this should work, or do you mean different crates on different worlds?

Version: v3.6.3
This is a great plugin, although it still has some bugs
But I believe the author will fix it

You don't need to pay attention to ILekseyI's reviews
This person has left a 1 star comment on many plugins, bad people

Version: v3.6.3
Awesome plugin, the look and feel of this in-game is fantastic.
However, the config is pretty in-depth (not a bad thing) just overwhelming if you're not familiar with it!

I highly recommend this plugin if you want something new for players to enjoy. The functionality and compatibility with other plugins (issuing commands/permissions/etc) is just perfect.

One gripe I do have is if you mess up the config... it really doesn't play well lol. I recommend you implement one change, test it, then continue (as a server owner, not the Dev) because it will save you many headaches in the end!

Thanks for a great plugin! Looking forward to new updates.
Author's response
I'm very happy that you're satisfied with the plugin.

I'm trying my best to make the plugin configuration as easy as possible, and I'm already in-progress of coding a system that will make it a lot easier.

Thank you for the review!

Version: v3.6.3
Ignoring my wishes .. I still have to use a crutch due to the fact that the plug-in does not know how to issue cases offline to players. And I still can not translate it completely.
Author's response
"Ignoring my wishes"

Last review you said "In general, the plugin is good.", yet you rated it 1 out of 5 stars only. Now, you gave a second 1 star rating right after you already posted one.

You ended your last review with "If the author corrects this, I will put 5 stars." - I'm telling you now, correct your misbehavior by deleting these unjustified 1 star reviews (you yourself said the plugin is good in general) and I will think about your suggestions.

You can't spam my plugins with bad reviews because your suggestions aren't getting added fast enough. You barely waited 2 days before posting another 1 star review for a "general good" plugin because of your suggestions, which were never advertised in the thread, not being included. This is beyond unfair and if you decide to stick to this kind of behavior I will ignore future reviews and posts from you completely.

Version: v3.6.2
1. You can not issue a case when the player is offline. Disgusting.
2. Some items can not be translated.

In general, the plugin is good. If the author corrects this, I will put 5 stars.

Version: v3.6.2
Thr most MysteryBox Plugin!
Thanks for you MysteryBox Plugin
Amazing Plugin!

Version: v3.6.1
The best crate plugin but only for 1.12 server sadly.
Some server can't use ProtocolSupport...
Author's response
This was always stated in the thread.

Why do you rate "the best crate plugin" 3/5 stars?

The only criticism I see here is the fact that a feature (support for older versions), which was always stated not to exist, doesn't exist.

I don't wanna sound rude, but I don't understand the logic behind giving a product a bad rating for being exactly as described.

Version: v3.6.0
The best plugin, I love this.. Hey,
you can add the option to put the item that is in the hand, the chance and the box in which it will appear? ( sorry for my bad english )

Version: v3.6.0
The best Mystery Box plugin out here, it's awesome and it has no bugs at all. Keep the great work man :)

Version: v3.5.8
You will still do not re-add the open command function ?
I tell you there, as you never give support for your buyers, or you just say all the year "Okay, will check it !", "Okay, will fix it soon !".
Author's response
I'm very sorry to see that you're unsatisfied with my plugin.

I try to give the best support possible and usually, everyone's happy and satisfied.

I've to say that I've gotten no message from you (Skype/private message), but as soon as I saw your review I immediatly fixed the open command.

I hope you're satisfied with the plugin now, and if you're not, please message me so I've a chance to help. I'd be really happy if you'd consider updating your review.

Version: v3.5.8
Awesome plugin! Thanks for fixing holograms! :D +Custom opening animation + Custom boxes AND MORE!

Version: v3.5.7
the latest update is just worse than previous. Language.yml can't be translated on new features anymore and the author has no response for it. Also, the latest version even caused the mysterboxes reward system not working,(can't execute the commands, even's on default config.yml)
(I will delete this review if there's a good result on next update)

Version: v3.5.3
Awesome update! Officially Amazing! +New messages +Custom Animations I would recommend all of you buy it!
Author's response
Thank you! :D

Version: v3.5.0
please add 1.8 support please !
it's really a good plugin but it is not usable for 1.8 server and it's really a shame.
Author's response
Please use ProtocolSupport. Thank you!

Version: v3.4.5
Add Auto update please! But everything else is amazing! Great Job this is not a plugin you want to miss out on. I searched and searched and i found this Get it!

Version: v3.4.5
I just give it to 4 stars because it still contains a lot of problems. I have already PM the author hope he can fix those of them then i will give back to 5 stars

Version: v3.4.3
love it but can you make it for 1.8? please i run a 1.8 server. and love your plugin

Version: v3.4.2
Great plugin! I recommend you guys get it! +Opening Animations and Sounds fully configurable

Version: v3.4.2
el plugin no sirve para la version 1.8 por favor me podrian ayudar se los ruego :v o que version tengo q utilizar ?
Author's response
I dont speak that language, sorry!

Version: v3.4.2
Author may ignore you for weeks, doesn’t want to cooperate with a bug and after 6 months of trying to get it to work i have given up my hope into this plugin. To the author: never do this again for any other customer.

Version: v3.4.1
Good plugin, how can i add more items to vaults?

Version: v3.4.0
The Placeholders are confusing and they don't work also Where are those new opening animations??

Version: v3.4.0
i have 2 start because, 1. star for labor 2. star for animations, and the config, uhh sorry but poor, i disable one loot time but its not working,and i disable the anoounce and its still announce, i can't use "/mb addbox <player> <mystery box> <amount>" its saying success but, no, and no support, i install all requirements but still same, and how can i add more items to box? Please help me

Version: v3.3.9
Hey xeRicker or Eselyx I was wondering if I could help you guys with this plugin and releasing updates I do know how to use eclipse but I am new to it I have made my own plugin but I does not work good. Your plugin is great and how will I be able to message you by not posting another review and I will see If I can use skype but not video chat or voice chat!
Author's response
You can contact me on skype (Eselyx) or send us a private message.

However, we do not need help with releasing updates. Good luck with your own plugins tho :)

Version: v3.3.7
Amazing plugin from amazing developer for amazing projects! I Am very grateful for you. Thx!
Author's response
Thank you for the review! :)

Version: v3.3.7
Good, Please add the old Mystery Box opening sound and old opening animation. And add when the player is opening a box then first how much stars it is then thats how many nether stars or enderchests will spin around the Mystery Vault please!
Author's response
Thank you for the suggestions. I'm looking forward to expand the possibilities of opening animations.

Version: v3.3.7
Awesome plug-in mate. I've just wanted the ask someting to you, how can i add the box to someone, at least i tried "/mb addbox <name> Rare 1" and it didn't worked. Can you help me?
Author's response
Please contact me on skype (Eselyx) or via. PM

Version: v3.3.6
how to use player's head for mysterybox's skin?
I've been using it for a long time but I can't find a way

Version: v3.3.5
Hello your plugin is actually the best crate plugin I have been searching for a very long time and I found this plugin . By any chance do you have a download of v3.0.6 if not please add another update that has the old opening sound and some of the old opening animations, Thank you :)
Author's response
If it's the best plugin, where's the fifth star? :p

You can download older versions here:

Version: v3.3.4
I like this plug-in very much, and I hope it can be better optimized on the code.
five stars!!

Version: v3.3.4
I love this plugin but I just updated to 3.3.4 and I cant add a mysteryvault I do mb mode add-vault. but I cant
Author's response
Thanks for the review! I've made a little typo in "/mb help" command, use "add" and "remove" instead. ;)

Version: v3.3.3
nice job, worth for every cent!

+ cool particles summoned as opening the mystery boxes
+ fantastic sounds
+ support for MySQL, make it friendly for different servers on my bungeecord server
+ support a new and cool way for donating

- still so many bugs waiting to be fixed(i will continue to report them to you if you like)
- many meaningless and unstable updates, just make some small updates into a big one, and DO NOT treat incomplete documents as an update(like v3.3.3 without transfering function). And, please use a meaningful version number, I don't even know anything new in v3.3.0 compared with v3.2.9, why not v3.2.10?
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: v3.2.6
Author's response
I will focus on optimizing the plugin in future updates. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Version: v3.1.9
Man, your sql make MORE LAG please solve, the best mysterbox plugin, but have minor bugs.
Author's response
I'm doing my best to bring you the best plugin experience. Thanks for the report and sorry for the inconvenience!

Version: v3.1.8
The plugin is OK, but every time that I update it I have tons of problems... Fix it.
Author's response
Thank you for the review! If you encounter any issues after updating the plugin to a newer version, delete the config files to let it generate new ones. ;)

Version: v3.1.8
[17:13:34 WARN]: [MysteryBoxes] Task #24061 for MysteryBoxes v3.1.8 generated an exception
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant org.bukkit.Sound.ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG
at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(Enum.java:238) ~[?:1.8.0_144]
at org.bukkit.Sound.valueOf(Sound.java:1) ~[patched.jar:git-PaperSpigot-"4c7641d"]
at me.xericker.mysteryboxes.MysteryBoxes$1.run(MysteryBoxes.java:175) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:59) ~[patched.jar:git-PaperSpigot-"4c7641d"]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:352) [patched.jar:git-PaperSpigot-"4c7641d"]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B(MinecraftServer.java:783) [patched.jar:git-PaperSpigot-"4c7641d"]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B(DedicatedServer.java:378) [patched.jar:git-PaperSpigot-"4c7641d"]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A(MinecraftServer.java:713) [patched.jar:git-PaperSpigot-"4c7641d"]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:616) [patched.jar:git-PaperSpigot-"4c7641d"]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_144]
Author's response
I've already repiled to PM, please don't post errors in this section.

Version: v3.1.7
how to use player's head for mysterybox's skin? sorry my english is very poor xD
Author's response
It's explained in the thread.

Version: v3.1.5
I watting for update for use in Vertion 1.12.1 and I want this plugin more easy more than now.

Version: v3.1.3
Do not use this plugin on a server with more as 15 players. It will be cause lags, because it run on the main thread. I already contacted the developer but he ignore this problem.
If you have a bit knowledge you can avoid the lag from this plugin. But you cant change the horrible code.

Version: v3.1.0
pls add opening commands, end commands and %MYSTERY_BOX_AVALIABLE%. I love the plugin.

Version: v3.0.7
nice plugin,but i have got some bugs
[Server thread/WARN]: [MysteryBoxes] Task #11137637 for MysteryBoxes v3.0.3 generated an exception
at me.xericker.mysteryboxes.mb.MysteryBoxes$2.run(MysteryBoxes.java:126) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:71) ~[spigot-1.11.2.jar:git-Spigot-3fb9445-2b6c9f4]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:353) [spigot-1.11.2.jar:git-Spigot-3fb9445-2b6c9f4]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.D(MinecraftServer.java:738) [spigot-1.11.2.jar:git-Spigot-3fb9445-2b6c9f4]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.DedicatedServer.D(DedicatedServer.java:399) [spigot-1.11.2.jar:git-Spigot-3fb9445-2b6c9f4]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.C(MinecraftServer.java:678) [spigot-1.11.2.jar:git-Spigot-3fb9445-2b6c9f4]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:576) [spigot-1.11.2.jar:git-Spigot-3fb9445-2b6c9f4]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [?:1.8.0_131]

[16:23:07] [Server thread/WARN]: [MysteryBoxes] Task #11137637 for MysteryBoxes v3.0.3 generated an exception
[16:23:07] [Server thread/WARN]: [MysteryBoxes] Task #11137637 for MysteryBoxes v3.0.3 generated an exception
[16:23:07] [Server thread/WARN]: [MysteryBoxes] Task #11137637 for MysteryBoxes v3.0.3 generated an exception
[16:23:07] [Server thread/WARN]: [MysteryBoxes] Task #11137637 for MysteryBoxes v3.0.3 generated an exception
[16:23:07] [Server thread/WARN]: [MysteryBoxes] Task #11137637 for MysteryBoxes v3.0.3 generated an exception
[16:23:07] [Server thread/WARN]: [MysteryBoxes] Task #11137637 for MysteryBoxes v3.0.3 generated an exception
[16:23:07] [Server thread/WARN]: [MysteryBoxes] Task #11137637 for MysteryBoxes v3.0.3 generated an exception
[16:23:07] [Server thread/WARN]: [MysteryBoxes] Task #11137637 for MysteryBoxes v3.0.3 generated an exception
[16:23:07] [Server thread/WARN]: [MysteryBoxes] Task #11137637 for MysteryBoxes v3.0.3 generated an exception
[16:23:07] [Server thread/WARN]: [MysteryBoxes] Task #11137637 for MysteryBoxes v3.0.3 generated an exception

Version: v3.0.4
So what about the player? What way to get it
Can be increased
One hour online, how many% get

Or how many levels can be obtained

Version: v3.0.3
Reported a bug that spam my server console one month ago and still not fixed, didn't get any answer than "i'll see" but he didn't.
Author's response
You have 2 total posts on this forum, none of them is related to MysteryBoxes. I don't remember any bug report from you, nobody else has reported something similiar and you could've reported it again if your statement would be correct. Since nobody else seems to have this issue, until I get a "new" report from you, I doubt that this is true.

Version: v3.0.3
This is the best MysteryBoxes plugin on the web, with an incredibly possibility to custom all you want easily *o*
The developer is working hard on this project and you get realy good support when you have some problems or bugs to report !
Never stop to update and fix bugs on this awesome plugin ^-^' !
Author's response

Version: v2.9.9
Very well made, only one bug what so ever from what i can find, when they have too many boxs it all glitches and they can take the boxes out.
Author's response
Hello! Next time please report the bug to me. I will fix it.

Version: v2.8.8
i love the plugin its like hypixel server i love the great support for this plugin when they find a bug they fix it alot

Version: v2.8.8
Powerful plugin! I have a problem i want to change MysteryBox is out of the box to make the music to change ... how i want to set up?
English is not very good, sorry

Version: v2.8.2
Very powerful plugin!
- flexable!
- have tons options and variables!
- easy locale any language (me rus)
- author supporting and help and adding most new options what users ask)


Version: v2.7.9
buen plugin funciona perfectamente totalmente recomendado esta funcionando en mi servidor latinplay.net

Version: v2.7.9
This resource is amazing! Its extremely configurable, I thinks you could add the feature of:
- send a message to the player when he receives a box (I am using a rewards plugin per kills, and players do not find out when they receive a mystery box)
This message "mystery-box-add" (in language.yml) only shows the message to who executed the command (console)
Something like:
"&e you found a {MYSTERY_BOX}"
Your resource depends on PlaceholderAPI, check this, in its description says:
"This resource does not require any additional plugins!"
Greetings, good plugin!

Version: v2.7.7
Plug-perfect, the best in its class.

Here unwanted text, because you have 100 characters for leaving a comment. I think this is nonsense, you need 100 characters, I have enough of one sentence to say what I think about this plugin
Author's response
thanks! :)

Version: v2.7.7
Excellent update! It's what I was expecting.

You could put an input message, when entering the server that tells you how many boxes you have that would be great.

Version: v2.7.2
No working mysq fix that thanks .

Version: v2.6.2
Awesome great plugin, works flawless, perfect for growing/large networks, gg on this plugin dude, it's awesome! :D

Version: v2.6.2
I can only say nice work!
The plugin is well made,
ans is perfect for servers!

Keep up the good work!
Author's response
Thanks! :)

Version: v2.5.5
Good plugin, a lot of features, but I come from China, I tried to contact your Skype, I hope you can help me, because I do not how to use Skype
I need to unlock the plugin

Version: v2.5.5
awesome fix! all now working true!
was helpful to check old and new default configs to fund changes strings and use new only))

Version: v2.5.2
Ein echt gutes Plugin xeRicker. :-)

<Updates - Täglich bis (Wöchentlich>
<Schnelle Bugfixes>
<Gute's grundSystem>
<Anderwertige (Language Settings>
Author's response
Danke :)

Version: v2.4.8
Awesome update! Thanks you :D
all working))

merry xmas :3

im really hard recomending all who need rewards and donate plugin - that plugin - best way)

Version: v2.4.7
Thanks For This new update!!!, i wished that this bug will be fixed ,thanks a lot :) merry xmas : )


Version: v2.4.7
Hello! Awesome plugin!

how can i use another language's naming Mystery box?

if i do that - they dont show self in vault in game. (but show in player_data)

Version: v2.4.2 for Spigot 1.8-11
Only the best..... You'll be blown away!

This guy has put so much effort, time, and patient in this plugin. You can tell with each and every update! He updates this plugin at least 5/7 days a week, it comes with so many new features, he is constantly listening to our feedback, bugs are being fixed, it's just amazing. Need an awesome super-customization Mystery Box plugin? Come to this guy, he makes only the best. What's even better is that the recent updates have added new features like Mystery Box transfer (Giving another player one of your owned Mystery Boxes) and Mystery Dust (Crafting Mystery Boxes)
And each and everyone of these features is just AMAZING. I have owned this plugin for around 6 months now and I just now decided to pick it back up and use it for my server, and I was so delighted by all of the new features! Great plugin dude! :D
Author's response

Version: v2.3.9 for Spigot 1.8-11
It's the best reward plugin I have ever seen, but there seemes to be a problem with the placeholders of the quality stars. The plugin doesn't know them for some reason.

But all in one it was worth the cost of 10 €. :)

Greetings from Austria! ;D
Author's response
Can you message me and explain me what you mean w/ this issue?

Version: v2.3.9 for Spigot 1.8-11
Before I get into the review, please note that I absolutely love this plugin, but due to many, often custom-coded or edited plugins on my server and configuration glitches, you will notice me comment on some bugs as I go.
This does NOT mean that the plugin is full of bugs and will fail with every server, in fact, xeRicker is very helpful and has helped me sort out a few problems I was having and you probably won't encounter a single bug on your server. Anyways, on with the review! :p


Mystery Boxes (MB) is an great plugin that is easy to implement in almost any kind of Minecraft game. I have it running on every game of my server, even sometimes in the Hub for cosmetic collections.
If you've ever played Hypixel, this plugin works exactly like their version of MysteryBoxes, however the dev ,xeRicker, updates this with new fetters all the time, which is both a blessing and a curse as I'll explain at the end.

The boxes themselves are beautiful. The particle types are customizable, the boxes appearances are customizable, and you can run any command plus more with them. They are the most feature-filled crates plugin that has such aesthetic pleasure to date, not to mention the catchy tune: Do do do do DO DO DO DO DO DO DO POOF! *wins the internet*.
That joke is half-serious, another great thing the plugin does is keep you in suspense before you get your loot. These factors make your players want to win more, and players that want to win more play more, and buy more too.
Speaking of which, remember how I said the boxes can give anything? Well, you can make them give cosmetics OR in-game perks like diamonds depending on what other plugins you have installed. The limit is your imagination. Some things you can do:
- Rank specific crates that give cosmetics (permissions support included)
- Cosmetic crates
- Kit crates
- Lucky blocks (good/bad effects)
You do need to know your commands to do some of this, like /effect
But that's easy to do, just look the default ones up and read the plugin pages before you download them (lol).

There are many other features like crafting boxes I didn't even mention, and be assured more are coming. In fact, there may be too many features. I mean it, at some point you hit such an insane amount of features no one understands them and they end up getting in the way.
Maybe instead focus on revamping and adding more options to existing features? For example, add different patterns of particles you can display other than just rings. Nevertheless, the existing features are fun, exciting, and interesting to fool around with in different combinations.

Something I'm not very fond of is that recently xeRicker has been updating his plugins more often, and including less features with each update instead. I get what he's doing, bumping the plugin to get more Spigot users to notice it (and sometimes adding China IP's to antipriacy, no issue there at all*) and I don't have a problem with that, it's just that this can get annoying because it spams your inbox (really, it's that bad) and for reasons I'm going to talk about in the next paragraph. I would much prefer updates that include a few important features at once (plus all the numerous bug fixes and improvements), rather than this new trend of his.

When you get the plugin, you'll find a few kind of boxes in the config ready for you to use. You'll notice a LOT of config options which is real nice, however xeRicker updates this CONSTANTLY, I mean literally no less than once a week to date, and often makes changes to the config.
This is the only reason I didn't rate this 5/5, because with many updates he edits the default config. MB's config is VERY picky, and one mistake can mess the whole thing up (errors occur even if boxes work). I often have to try for hours on end to apply the latest updates while still retaining my configured boxes, otherwise I'd lose even more hours of configuration.
With xeRicker's other main plugin, DisguiseAbilities, this is more excusable and I've come to simply accept giving up configuration of the plugin entirely and running the default config. I had to edit my game around the default config, but it was worth it and my life is much easier, though I still miss the options I once had as tedious as it was to apply them.
So, what's the best thing to do when an update comes out?
1) Copy/change name of your old config, save it as anything except for "config.yml"
2) Delete your config
3) Install new version of plugin, reload server
4) New config should be generated
5) Open two windows, one for old config and one for new.
6) Copy and paste whatever you can into the new config.
You might be thinking "James, you're an idiot, you obviously have to do this with any plugin" or something, but in my experience that's rarely the case. In fact, in most cases if something is missing from the config that isn't essential or you just paste in the new variables from the recent update it works fine, but that's never happened with DA or MB.
That being said, it's awesome how many options you have with the configuration, but it will really bite when an update comes out if you have a lot configured.


That's about it, if anyone has any other questions of a customer, you can ask me via PM if I missed something you want to know. If you want to see how powerful this plugin is, I've written a games which took me many months to complete where you can try out some the boxes I've made for a little demonstration of what they can really do on my server (play.time4events.us).

Again, with a few other supporting plugins, MB manifests into the highest-quality crates offered by servers in which many thousands of kids are opening right now. Does this mean you'll instantly get 1000's of players? Nope. But that's totally unrelated to what any plugin can do. MB is a great way to enhance your server despite how much work it is to set up, and it is difficult to compare it even to other high-ranked crate plugins. Overall, a top-quality plugin!

Cheers, Spigoteers!
Author's response
Thanks for the review.

However, I think that your point about the updates makes no sense.

At first you're saying I should add less features and focus on developing the existing ones - Then in the next paragraph you complain about exactly the this, by saying that I updated the plugin more frequently but add less features each update.

Most of the updates right now are in fact smaller adjustments, while I've tried to add atleast one bigger feature per week before.

However, as you said, there is a point when you reach an insane amount of features, where it's simply not possible to do this anymore - so I focus on smaller ones.

The amount of improvements is the same - While the updates are getting smaller, I'm doing more of them. I don't see a reason why I should hold back updates just to release a bigger one. If that's what you wish, simply skip 2 updates every time and install the third one, which will end up being the same as having 1 big update per week.

If you have any wishes for updates, you can always PM me.

About the config:
Whenever possible, I'll try to add a new config for new features, making your old config still useable. However, for some features it's simply not possible.

Version: v2.3.8 for Spigot 1.8-11
Amazing updates!!!

Thanks for all the good gob that you do! :D

Author's response
Thanks alot!

Version: 2.4.5
Yes finally! This update allows you to give crates to everyone on the server! Best update ever! I love this update a lot because everyone is telling me to give the a crate to try out, so what I would do is /mb add (name) (nameofcrate) 1 and do that about 10 more times. But anyway this plugin just keeps getting better and better. Keep up the hard work developers you will need it. ~ TheSpyguy16

Version: 2.3.3
Again i must rate this plugin...

I had some problems with plugin and support is very friendly!
This is very important for all buyers, i recommend this plugin.
Best Boxes plugin on spigot. Description of plugin is 100% legit.
Thanks for this and keep up this very good updates/fixes!

~Best regards
- Catirra (T0R_4K)
Author's response

Version: 2.3.1_1
Thank the author to solve my problem, this is a very good plug-in, it is worth buying, please do not miss:D
Author's response

Version: 2.2.9
Amazing Plugins - Updated regularly which is 100% worth the purchase. Also great support from both xeRicker & Eselyx
Author's response

Version: 2.2.7
Amazing Update - Not found anywhere else! Definitely recommend to all server/network owners out there!

Version: 2.2.6
Such a good plugin, recommended on ALL servers.

Used on my Hub, Prison and Factions Server

Keep up the updates :)

Version: 2.2.0
Recently downloaded and had a small issue, Author was very quick to respond and it got resolved almost immediatly. Great Flexible plugin worth a buy!
Author's response

Version: 2.2.0
Have this from first release, best Mysterybox plugin at spigot! Excellent updates! I really recommend.
Author's response
Thanks alot! :)

Version: 2.1.8
Added on Skype for help, within 30 seconds added back and joined my server to give a personal tutorial. Most active Dev I've ever seen with plugins.

Version: 2.1.6
This plugin is legit and worth every penny. We had some configuration questions and settings questions and the developer answered them right away. Highly configurable and has all the bells and whistles of a premium plug in. Your players are worth the money to give them a quality product like this.

Version: 2.1.6
This is actually one of the best plugin ive seen. You can edit everything and its definitely worth the money. The players love it and it adds alot to your survival, factions, towny or whatever server. I can recommend this plugin to everyone!

Version: 2.1.6
독일인 개발자인 Sebbl은 내가 3번의 문제가 발생했을 때 3번다 친절하게 문제를 해결해줬으며 플러그인 또한 문제 없이 잘 작동한다.
퀄리티 또한 높아서 여러모로 잘 쓰고 있다.
만약 한국인이 이글을 본다면 이 플러그인을 적극 추천한다.
Author's response
Thanks! :)

Version: 2.1.6
Please add more features to this plugin, as different types of mystery boxes fall like skulls of this page
or just add the skull Beachball, please!

but otherwise is an excellent plugin!

Thank you :)
Author's response
This feature was added a while ago! You can look in the plugin overview section (plugin thread) how to use it :) You can use every head as falling box.

Version: 2.1.5
Very good plugin, easy to configure, I really like it and the owner of the plugin has good support. Thanks!
Author's response
Thanks alot! :)

Version: 2.1.5
Good Update for heads : ) , please add more features soon : , v

like Animation (With armor stands like hypixel) , and i recommended to do a animation generator online, to do animations with the mystery boxes in the page and put in the config files :)
Author's response
An Animation generator will never be added, especially not online. It would already be too complicated to add it in the config, there is no chance of making a website for it.

I will probably add multiple animations to choose from, but I can surely say that more than that won't ever be added.

Version: 2.1.4
Good plugin, but one problem for 1.8 when ever the plugin starts up it gets this. An error occurred while loading data from the language file
Author's response
Send me the whole error per PM pls.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,560
First Release: Sep 17, 2015
Last Update: Sep 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
256 ratings
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