/ ] Fixed a bug where when depositing money into the gang bank it would give a message that the balance was already at the maximum, not allowing the bank to function correctly.
/ ] Fixed a bug that would delete items from gang enderchests
+ ] Added the Gang Enderchest, from now on in the levels you can set a shared enderchest with the gang members and you can change the size through the slots "enderchest-slot: 9"
/ ] Fixed some issues in langs files.
!!! ] Reload lang files.
+ ] Added missing messages.
/ ] Fixed a bug that allowed players to be able to level up even if there were no other levels.
!!! ] Reload lang files.
/ ] Fixed a bug that prevented the creation of gangs
+ ] Added Greek language
/ ] Fixed an issue where anomalous numbers were displayed when depositing or withdrawing bank accounts (example: 100.3912391501)
/ ] Fixed an issue where gangs with the same name could be created by changing the lowercase and uppercase letters.
/ ] Fixed an issue where when you were in an ally with a gang and disbanded it, you remained in the ally of the other gangs
/ ] Changed the command /g info will now open a gui, plus it will now be possible to see the info of other gangs (/g info <gangName>)
/ ] Changed the config, small improvements to avoid problems with banned gang names.
!!! ] Reload config and lang files.
+ ] Added Greek language
/ ] Fixed an issue where anomalous numbers were displayed when depositing or withdrawing bank accounts (example: 100.3912391501)
/ ] Fixed an issue where gangs with the same name could be created by changing the lowercase and uppercase letters.
/ ] Fixed an issue where when you were in an ally with a gang and disbanded it, you remained in the ally of the other gangs
/ ] Changed the command /g info will now open a gui, plus it will now be possible to see the info of other gangs (/g info <gangName>)
/ ] Changed the config, small improvements to avoid problems with banned gang names.
!!! ] Reload config and lang files.
+ ] Added Greek language
/ ] Fixed an issue where anomalous numbers were displayed when depositing or withdrawing bank accounts (example: 100.3912391501)
/ ] Changed the command /g info will now open a gui, plus it will now be possible to see the info of other gangs (/g info <gangName>)
/ ] Changed the config, small improvements to avoid problems with banned gang names.
/ ] Optimized the code, from 69kb to 39kb!
!!! ] Reload config and lang files.
+ ] You can now remove usage messages after running the /gang (or alias) command
! To remove them you must delete the contents of the message and remain ""
/ ] Fixed a bug that did not allow the chat ally to work correctly
/ ] Fixed a bug that prevented gang members from being displayed in the /g info command when they are offline
/ ] Made minimal "aesthetic" changes to the /g info command, now the list of members will appear above the ally and the leader will be in red
!!! ] Reset lang files.
+ ] Added new commands!
/g ally
/g allyleave
/g allychat
/g acceptally
/g denyally
+ ] Added gangs you are allied with to gang info
+ ] Added maximum allies you can make based on gang level to levels
!!! ] Reset all files
/ ] Fixed an issue that prevented all langs file from being read.
/ ] Fixed an issue that prevented the messages_en.yml file from being read.
/ ] Fixed an issue that prevented placeholders for creating tops from updating.
I hope all the problems have been resolved and I apologize for doing so many mini updates in the same day.
/ ] Fixed a bug that allowed owners of a car gang to eject themselves from it, making it impossible to eliminate the gang.
!!! ] Re-create all the langs files.
+ ] Added new placeholders
With these placeholders you can create top gangs using kd
/ ] Fixed the api version warning
/ ] Optimized saving method
/ ] Fixed a bug that calculated kills/deaths and kd with friendlyfire
/ ] Fixed a bug that made the kd infinite, null and negative.
/ ] Fixed a bug that did not allow the kd to be calculated correctly
/ ] Fixed a bug that didn't update placeholders
+ ] Added kills, deaths and kd for gangs
+ ] New placeholders!
%mygangs_kills% - Show the kills of the gang
%mygangs_deaths% - Show the deaths of the gang
%mygangs_kd% - Show the kd of the gang
!!! ] Re-create all the langs files.
+ ] Added 5 new languages: Hungarian, Turkish, Portuguese, Czech, Polish.
+ ] Added Level System! From now on it will be possible to strengthen your gang through levels, therefore setting a maximum number of members, taxes on deposits, a maximum amount of money that can be deposited in the gang's bank, a maximum number of homes. Obviously to level up you will need to pay.
+ ] New placeholder %mygangs_level% This will show the gang level.
/ ] Reconfigured the config.yml file.
!!! ] Reload everything.
/ ] Fixed a bug that prevented the %mygangs_bank_balance% placeholder from showing the gang bank balance.
+ ] Added commands: /g sethome /g delhome /g home /g homelist
+ ] Added in the config "max-gang-homes: 3", where you can decide how many maximum homes the gangs can have
- ] Gang scoring system removed (in future update I will try to integrate something more modifiable and optimized)
/ ] Fixed some issues in language files
!!! ] Reload the messages and config files.
+ ] Added Russian and Ukrainian lang
+ ] Added in the config the possibility of being able to insert a tax when a player inserts money into the gang's bank
!!! ] Reload the messages and config files.
+ ] Added Spanish lang
+ ] Added ability to enable/disable friendly fire
!!! ] Reload the messages files.
+ ] Added command to decline invitations to join the gang
+ ] Added new alias: party
/ ] Fixed a bug that gave an error in chat when kicking someone from the gang
!!! ] Reload the messages files.
+ ] Added in config the ability to choose the maximum amount of gang members
+ ] Added in config the ability to choose the minimum and maximum length of the gang name
!!! ] Reload the config and messages files.
+ ] Added new aliases: clan, group
/ ] Fixed a bug that automatically triggered gang chat every time the player joined the server