Support for Minecraft 1.20.5, new features and some bug fixes
Discord: mrdespical
Support for Minecraft 1.20.5+.
Added 'actions' option to game items.
Updated Command Framework and Commons libraries.
Relocated the Command Framework package to not conflict with other plugins that use this framework too.
Fixed shop menu merges items from different pages in some cases.
Now BlockBreakEvent will have HIGHEST priority in case of some other plugins takes the priority.
Items File Changes
Code (YAML):
name: "&c&lReturn to Lobby &7(Right Click)" material: RED_BED
slot: 8
murderer-slot: 8
lore: -
"&7Right-click to leave to the lobby!" # Actions attribute can also be added to other lobby and spectator items. # By default, items will be triggered for all actions. (PHYSICAL is not allowed) actions: -