Added support for Vault and Vault supported economy plugins.
Added option to customize murderer speed when there is only 1 innocent left and the timer is less than a minute.
Fixed the detective gets their arrow back after they shoot an innocent and die within the cooldown duration.
Fixed 'Wrong-Shot' option not working.
Fixed some game behaviour not working if default time settings is edited such as bow not dropping before 15 seconds of the game.
Addons File Changes
Code (YAML):
Vault: # Should we enable support if we find Vault and an economy plugin? Enabled: true
# Should we use Vault balance instead of coins in-game shop? Use-Balance-In-Shop: true
# Should we reflect coin changes in player's Vault balance? Integrate-Coins-With-Balance: false
Config File Changes
Code (YAML):
Enabled: true
# 0.2 is the default walk speed of a player. Value: 0.3