A world's entry fee can now be disabled with the /mv modify command by setting the currency to 0 (0 is the ID for AIR).
A world's UID and generator are now output by the /mv info command.
Add support for Respawn anchors.
MV commands now require exact usernames. Previously, MV would search for a username resembling the one given.
In addition to the above, UUIDs and selectors (such as @p) are now supported.
Full direction names are now supported for destinations. So w:world:n is equivalent to w:world:north.
Buscript scripting can now be disabled in the config.
The chat prefix is now off by default.
Changing the portal search radius should work now!
A new flag has been added to the /mv regen command which allows you to keep the world's gamerules. The flag is --keep-gamerules. Type /mv regen in game to see how to use it in a command.
Better verification for new world names.
Changed the default permission for the /mv version command.
IMPORTANT This build may have some incompatibilities with the following dependent plugins: