This version represents a complete re-write of the core map updater to take advantage of new tile entity moving capabilities of Minecraft. On the positive side, this enables many new features including:
- redstone works while moving, including many cannons
- less than 1/3 the lag of previous versions
- containers can be opened while cruising
- various other fixes
The down side is that this is not compatible with other versions of Minecraft. In short, compatibilitymode no longer works.
This version also includes many new features, including dynamic airspeed that scales with a certain block (wool in the case of our airskiff.craft) or that scales in proportion to how much lag a ship creates (airships are faster if they create less lag).
Also Direct Control has been changed. You still enable it using a left click, but you now control the craft by pushing the "4" button to bank left, the "6" button to bank right, hold down shift to dive, and right click the stick to climb. All of these only work while moving forward, creating more realistic airplane-like flight. You can still control your craft using the stick like you always could if you leave direct control mode.