- New feature (BIG FEATURE - EXPERIMENTAL): Now, when the motel expires, everything will be moved to another place, and it will be possible to retrieve items using the /motel expired command.
- A lot of things integrated for the new expires system.
- Fixxed tabCompleter to add a new Motel: the motelregionid show wrong ids
- Fixxed that you cannot add more than one word to motel displayname on /moteladmin add
- Fixxed that you cannot use more than one word on set-displayname
- Fixxed /moteladmin set-displayname wrong motel argument, from motelregionId to motelId
- Fixxed /moteladmin set-displayname wrong file setting from displayName to displayname
- Fixxed expiredate: NotSet on /moteladmin menu and small improvements on it
- Fixxed default "info" args that will be buy if not set
- **Fixxed a missing save file while restarting**
- Replaced on /moteladmin menu the null on owner to "//"
- Replaced new expiredate from null to "//"
- New config option for the new command /motel expired now configurable on commands args
- Fixxed and improved /moteladmin check
- General improvements
- Refactoring