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MobArena -----

Become a mob-fighting gladiator!

Saved items, chest references, and a bit of error reporting

  • Support for chest references in item syntax. The new inv syntax allows for referencing container indices in the config-file. This should help bridge the gap between class chests and various other parts of the config-file, such as rewards and upgrade waves.
  • Support for saved items. The new /ma save-item command can be used to save the currently held item to disk, which allows it to be used in various places in the config-file. This should help bridge the gap between the config-file and class chests for config-file centric setups.
  • New per-arena setting monster-teleporting allows monsters to teleport inside the arena region. This should allow for stuff like /tp commands and for Endermen to "do their thing".
  • New permission mobarena.admin.errors for better error visibility. Players with this permission will get a message if an arena encounters an error. Currently, the only such error is the one resulting from Spigot's "max max health" setting throwing an exception when monster health is set "too high".
  • Explosion damage caused by Exploding Sheep now correctly counts as monster damage. This means that the explosions only affect other mobs if the per-arena setting monster-infight is set to true.
  • Explosion damage caused by the boss ability obsidian-bomb now correctly counts as monster damage. This means that the explosions only affect other mobs if the per-arena setting monster-infight is set to true.
  • An old discrepancy with auto start timers in the auto-ready logic has been removed. This fixes an issue in MobArenaStats where the extension would throw errors in arenas with auto-ready: true and a non-zero auto start timer. Note that the combination of auto-ready: true and a default-class now requires the use of a start-delay-timer to prevent the arena from starting immediately when the first player joins.
  • Signs in arena regions, as well as Arena Signs anywhere, can no longer be edited by right-clicking.
  • Signs now correctly restore themselves again in arenas with soft-restore: true.
----------, Jan 1, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 55,281
First Release: Jan 1, 2017
Last Update: Oct 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
156 ratings
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