v. Ability, IFrames, and Hotfixes.
Added: Custom boss abilitites, with the option to customize their settings!
- Minions
Code (YAML):
# Minions don't despawn when the boss dies.
: 4
# How many minions should we spawn?
: 1.0
# How far from the boss should we spawn the minions?
# Placeholder: Boss' name - %boss%
: '
%boss%''s Minion'
Added: Title for : onUpgrade, onSupply, onEnd, onComplete.
Added: You can now specify boss' i-frames.
Code (YAML):
# How many ticks until the boss can be hit again?
# The lower the number, the better for more players.
# 20 is Minecraft default.
# Cannot go below 1.
## Placeholders ##
# %players% - Players in the arena.
: true
: '20 -
%players% * 3)'
Added: Wave title will no longer be shown, if the current wave is higher than the last wave.
Changed: Title timings have been split up into their separate event.
Changed: Mob glow no longer trigger on boss waves.
Wasn't an issue, but would be with the Minions ability.
Fixed: Fixed an issue where healing didn't trigger, if you had the newWave title disabled.
Fixed: Fixed a bug where HavenArena was unable to fetch the MobArena config file.
Fixed: Fixed an issue causing the special-multiplier to not work at all.
Fixed?: Fixed a bug flipping the config values for titles.
Either fixed, or I missed something originally..