NEW ADDITIONS - Implemented level progression into the plugin. - The level system is FULLY CUSTOMISABLE to what you want! You decide how many levels, the rewards for every new level, the experience in which mobs assist you in levelling up and passive experience. Passive experience is experience given for playing the server. - Implemented three new "yaml" files to keep editing the plugin tidy. One file is "levels.yml" and is where you edit the functionality of the level system, another is "levelsgui.yml" where you edit the layout and appearance of the rewards gui and finally "levelsdata.yml" is where level data is stored. Do not edit this file. To reiterate, I want to not use databases to keep the plugin easy going and manageable for everyone, not just skilled developers.
NOTICES - The levels gui is purely cosmetic and is there so you have the opportunity to show your players what rewards are gained for levelling up. All form of rewards and experience management are done through the "levels.yml" file. I thought offering you guys the opportunity to have the best of both worlds (progression control + gui control) would be the best route forward with this. - Levels can be a nuisance to manage, therefore I expect issues and bugs with this implementation. I have tried to bug test as best as I could but I can't test for everything so any issues or bugs, please report them in my discord immediately and I will review and fix as soon as possible.