MMORPGClasses | 6 Classes | PAPI | Custom Economy | Levels | Parties | Loot Chests | BLOOD REWORK icon

MMORPGClasses | 6 Classes | PAPI | Custom Economy | Levels | Parties | Loot Chests | BLOOD REWORK -----

Aggressive, strategic or defensive. You pick. Six custom classes. Custom economy.

[HUGE UPDATE] Version 1.9
- Fixed a permission node error with the "/class" command.

- Implemented master abilities (blood frenzy, aqua surge & fire rage). Each master ability comes with its own commands. In order to gain bloodpoints, aquapoints and firepoints players must kill things. Killing an animal gives one point, killing a mob gives three points and killing a player gives five points. The minimum and default requirement to use it is 2000 points.

- Implemented a playerPoints.yml file. Do not edit this file, you will break it.

- Implemented a "/bloodpointsview (player)" command to view how many bloodpoints a player has.
- Implemented a "/bloodpoints (add/remove) (player) (amount)" command so that administrators can add/remove bloodpoints from players.
- Implemented a "/bloodfrenzy" command that gives blood users regeneration two, strength two and activates their blood shield for 15 seconds. Blood frenzy is best used at night, as per class weaknesses.

- Implemented a "/waterpointsview (player)" command to view how many waterpoints a player has.
- Implemented a "/waterpoints (add/remove (player) (amount)" command so that administrators can add/remove waterpoints from players.
- Implemented a "/aquasurge" command that gives water users swiftness three and activates their water shield for 15 seconds. Aqua surge is a defensive ability.

- Implemented a "/firepointsview (player)" command to view how many firepoints a player has.
- Implemented a "/firepoints (add/remove (player) (amount)" command so that administrators can add/remove firepoints from players.
- Implemented a "/firerage" command that gives fire users strength two, absorption one and activates their fire shield for 15 seconds. Fire rage is an aggressive ability.

- Implemented how many points a player has in the "/classes" gui. You run the command "/classes" and hover on the paper. If you are not in a class, it will not show up. If you are in a class, it will display your classes point balance.

- Implemented "aggressive class" in the GUI for fire class.
- Implemented "strategic class" in the GUI for blood class.
- Implemented "defensive class" in the GUI for water class.
----------, Oct 26, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,330
First Release: Oct 26, 2024
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
10 ratings
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