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MMOItems -----

A great item solution for your RPG server. Over 200 Unique Item Options!

Large Update Please Read
I know it's been a while since we posted an update on spigot but just a reminder we update our dev builds on the mythic website daily/weekly so come join us to get lots of bug fixes and features ahead of time!

Also important to note you need to download MythicLib at the mmolib link to run this build!!!

+ Lootsplosions are now part of MMOItems
+ Negative stats now show up in lore
+ don't wipe all the player's enchants when using the item revision system
+ Fixed "delete mode" item name and lore displays. Maybe fixed Josh's issue???? Replaced deprecated mmolib methods.
+ Added Internal Revision IDs to update items when devs make breaking changes.
+ Auto-Soulbound items now load all stats properly before applying Soulbound data
+ Improved the RevID command - no longer errors when used alongside outdated items Lootsplosions now properly error if MythicMobs isn't found
+ Fixed deletion mode errors and /mi generate not including all possible options
+ Added (proper) SkillsPro support
+ Item drops added by MMOItems are now dropped more naturally and have a much lower (if not 0%) chance of glitching through the ceiling
+ Crafting Permissions now work properly Items granting permissions also actually grant their permissions now
+ Revision ID update. Enchantments, custom names, lores, soulbinding, gemstones AND upgrades
+ Fixed custom crafting system
+ Added an option to prevent item tiers from being kept when updating with revision ids
+ Fixed two NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/lang3/Validate errors
+ Fixed nullpointer if lore is empty when using the item browser
+ Changed the PlayerUseCraftingStationEvent to better distinguish between actions
+ Fixed an issue with ability modifiers w/ non null default values not being able to take strictly null values
+MMOCore now supports MI item durability
+ Added back /mi itemlist
+mcMMO disable repair stat registers when using another RPG core plugin
+ Can no longer identify stacked items
+ Fixed item tier modifier capacity
+ fixed additive attack speed
+ Hoearthquake should no longer work in protected areas
+ SkillsPro support should now use the custom display name instead of the internal name for classes
+ Fixed custom sounds not playing correctly when used alongside lutes
+ Added a new stat for Skins which lets you set specific required IDs for items. If an item doesn't have any of the set ids the skin will not apply.

+ Removed useless item type features
+ Fixed main hand weapon attack speed
+ Fixed custom sounds only playing when right-clicked on a block
+ Added a "Repair Type" stat so you can specify which items can be repaired by which consumable.
+Fixed queued items in crafting stations not being claimable
+ Fixed custom sounds not playing on Right/Left click
+ Fixed repair types not matching properly
+ Any item is now compatible with custom durability if put in an armor slot (somehow)
+ The vanilla bar will now always show up if the item does not have full durability
+ Vanilla durability bar now scales properly when mended while using custom durability
+ Fixed revision IDs increasing when using gemstones
+ Improved the API to tell MMOItems where to check player equipment. Fixed bug where two-handing bows/crossbows/lutes made them get the stats of both of them.
+ Attempt at proposed projectile memory leak fix.
+ fix bow and empty hand bug fix bug where player could put bow in offhand, and use their empty hand to attack with bow damage as their main damage
+ Added a new ItemStat to CATALYSTs and OFF-CATALYSTS to allow an item to bypsass Two-Handedness Issue with outdated particle stat regarding JSON sintax should be fixed. Mysterious issue regarding 'FlagPlugin' may be fixed.
+ And more!
----------, Feb 7, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,002
First Release: Apr 19, 2017
Last Update: Oct 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
336 ratings
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