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A great item solution for your RPG server. Over 200 Unique Item Options!

[4.7.3] Upgrading, bug fixes
I hope you guys will like the new upgrading system. There are many more features to be implemented soon to make it more complex. This update allows you to start setting up the sharpening system with something simple and fixes some important issues.

Features & Bug Fixes
  • Fixed two issues with stations pagination.
  • Fixed a severe player data issue with heavy consequences on abilities, particles, stats...
  • Item Sharpening (Sharpening = Upgrading)
    • Using a specific consumable or an upgrading recipe, players can upgrade or sharpen their weapons/items/armors.
    • Sharpening reference dictates whether or not a consumable can upgrade an item.
      • Every upgrade consumable and upgradable item have a sharpening reference. If these references do not match, these items are considered incompatible and the consumable can't be used to sharpen the item.
      • If no reference is specified for the consumable, it can sharpen any item. If no reference is specified for the item, it can be sharpened by any consumable.
    • Sharpening templates dictate what happens when an item is upgraded. These can be condigured in the upgrade-templates.yml config.
    • An item may have a max amount of upgrades.
    • Upgrading sometimes fail (sharpening chance for both the item and the consumable, both chances stack (multiplication)).
  • Upgrading Recipes
    • There are now two different types of stations recipes: crafting and upgrading. Upgrading recipes let you upgrade a specific item using ingredients (alos supports conditions).
    • Crafting recipes corresponds to the old station recipes. Only crafting recipes may have a crafting time.
  • Fixed an item data loading bug with negative elemental stat values.
  • Fixed a bug with bow damage going lower and lower the more you shoot while not entirely pulling your bow.
  • "Disabling Interact" now works with item frames.
  • Fixed an issue with crafting recipe queue times.
  • Default crafting station configs do not spawn back after deleting them.
Important Update Notes:
  • items.yml slightly change and needs some update. RECIPE_DISPLAY was split into two items, UPGRADING_RECIPE_DISPLAY and CRAFTING_RECIPE_DISPLAY, since there are now two different types of stations recipes.
----------, Jul 18, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,002
First Release: Apr 19, 2017
Last Update: Oct 23, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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