Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! icon

Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! -----

A collectible competitive card game like no other!

+ Team Games! There is now a black banner icon for team games in the matchmaking section! (PREMIUM ONLY)
+ Spectating can now see the amount of passives for each team that are currently spawned. (More to this soon)
+ Team Game Minimum, a new config option that controls when team games can start counting down.
+ Max Team Size, a new config option that controls how many players can be on one team.

Balance Changes
+ Natural passive spawns only have one chance per team to spawn.

+ Updated to 1.16.3!
+ Witch pocket & Sabotage now works on a random player not the first player in a team.
+ Minions when spawned should be assigned a random enemy player to target.
+ When a teammate dies their inventory is now dropped on death.
+ Fixed a NPE for rain when a map had not been completed yet.
+ Monster Hunt fixed, it will now draw three cards when killed again.
+ Witch pocket should now play a sound for when a player has their inventory picked.
+ When the player your watching is dead, the display will change to another player if available.

This was a fairly large addition that didn't take a lot of time to code in since ive been designing M&H with team games in mind. However with that said I have never designed or balanced the game for team games. So some combs may not work as intended and some may not even work at all with different team members using spells and minions in tandum. However i will try my best to balance some parts of the game for team games and 1v1's of course just in favor of 1v1's. I have done a bit of testing on team games but i need to gather more feedback from other players and users that might think differently then we do of course! So please use team games with caution! Team games is a premium feature as I feel the that it is not a part of the main representation of the game and it is more of bonus feature for the plugin itself! Also team games have not been limited in team size. This means you could have as many team members as you want! Though keep in mind the larger the team game the larger the performance impact so make sure to check out the performance section before using team games!
----------, Sep 24, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 42
First Release: Oct 6, 2018
Last Update: Feb 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
10 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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