Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION icon

Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION -----

A competitive collectible card game like no other!

Card changes! Keywords and more changes!
+ You can now teleport to a map spawn point, build corners and map corners using the map editor. Im not sure why i didnt add this sooner!
+ Card Effect system / keyword System, cards can have effects represented by one keyword which is used by many cards.
+ New card effect & keyword, RECYCLE! Any card played with this will have a copy placed in your deck at double the price.
+ New keyword, RIGGED. These cards are drawn at the start of the game if your hand has space.
+ New keyword, ONSET. These cards are played at the start of the game.
+ A new admin panel has been added to the /mh command, this is only visible to operators and should be useful for admins!
+ Command book added to the admin panel, this allows admins to view commands in a much cleaner way then relying on chat.
+ Config Editor added to the admin panel, this allows admins to manage SOME config options in the editor. Its great for basics!
+ The search text function in filters now works with card effects / keywords. Recycle, will show cards with Recycle as an effect.
+ Cards will now show their respective tribe if they have one on the card now.
+ A new culling feature has been added to remove old game records over 7 days old. This will only enable once a user has more then 10 records being loaded.
+ New config option, Disable Unique Corruption Blocks, default is false, this turns off magma blocks and soul sand. This is a preventetive option added in case these blocks are still not reseting admins can simply disable it.
+ Metrics System! Admins can now access the metrics system in the admin panel. This first system builds metrics based on whos online at the moment. It will give a good idea of what cards are being played, winning and losing when played and their win ratios.

+ While holding shears, hps will be hidden when you are to close to occluding objects, this means things like torche & slabs for example.
+ Achievements now have a scrolling sound.
+ Passive mobs will no longer spawn on top of a logs, glass, bedrock and barriers.
+ Boss maps no longer show an unlinked map as a warning in the editor.
+ Corruption beast spawn with some spacing when summoned from portals

Balance Changes
+ Recycle has been added to the following cards, Zombie, Spider, Husk, Famine, Blizzard, Venom Strike, Starve, Feast, Collapse, Form Skin & Skeleton Squire.
+ Blizzard now additionally applies a heat loss for the next round only towards your opponent.
+ Zerg Rush mana changed from 10 to 16.
+ Zerg Rush when played no longer doubles your minion wave for ONLY the next round, instead the doubled minions are kept
+ Invasive Portal now gives a speed buff potion effect to the caster.
+ The lantern fuel gained from coal was reduced from 5 to 4, and redstone from 10 to 8.
+ Maggots now summon 2-3 silverfish and maggot chance was reduced from 30% to 20%
+ Horde now cost 6 mana instead of 4.
+ Corpse Climb maggot chance reduced by 2% per level. Maxed went from 40% to 32%
+ Corpse Climb at max copies no longer summons 4-8 maggots, it is now 2-4 max.
+ Cave spiders from cards like brood mother no longer have 15 second poison timers. Instead it is 4 seconds.
+ Witch poison length nerfed slightly, should be around 5-6 second on average now rather then 7-8.
+ The first round now has an additional 30 seconds instead of 20.

+ RIGGED keyword added to Tool Cache, Building Cache, Written Prophecy, Divine Divination & Supply Signal.
+ ONSET keyword added to Laborer Start, Chained Start, Supplied Start & Torched Start!
+ Handbook icon changed to green knowledge book to make it stand out more.
+ Reworked the helpbook, along with adding some new entries to it!

Known Issues
+ Middle clicking is still not working thanks 1.18!
+ This should be fixed but if not an option has been added to disabled the extra corruption blocks thats were sticking around.

This update really was quality of life, cleaning up and general changes. Though many key changes are done to gameplay through balance changes and the introduction to *keywords* adds a lot to the future. I wanted to further add a way to get an idea of how balanced cards are, for this ive been working on this first metric system which is open to admins now, currently itll build a dataset out of whoever is online at the moment from their recent games to give you cool stats like what cards are played and which have high win and loss ratios. The addition of a in game config editor and an in game admin menu also was something i wish i would have put in sooner but better late then never haha! There was alot added in this update of course but in general this is the finished version, some things will be added to the general plugin itself like the admin menu and the help book but the core of the plugin is in now. This does mean polish, bug fixing, balance changes and new cards are the new content to be expected! I would expect the next patch to be some of those things and hopefully the following update will be Merchants & Allies!
----------, Jun 2, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,613
First Release: Oct 4, 2018
Last Update: Feb 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
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