Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION icon

Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION -----

A competitive collectible card game like no other!

+ New Card? Husk?

+ Lightning Storm will no longer keep running if the game ended.
+ Meteor Storm will no longer keep running if the game ended.
+ Fixed a bug with Minion Rush when being played.
+ Fixed a rounding issue in the end game phase display.

I am very pleased to announce the last major feature that has been added to M&H! BOSS battles! This is a single player mode of the game! So you can test out your decks and even have the bot play your deck against you so you can get a feel for what its like to face your own deck. I think this will be a huge feature for the game as it will allow people to get their feet in the water and learn the game without worrying about other players.

That said there is currently 4 difficulty's. Easy, Medium, Hard and BOSS.

Easy, Medium and Hard are normal bot players. This means they dont cheat. But they will perform better as their difficulty goes up. BOSS difficulty is very unique. These bots will have cheats against you and play at its full capacity. The first boss is..

The Brood Mother, a simple boss but very strong. She discounts all of her cards by one mana. Which doesnt sound crazy until your being swarmed by spiders.

This being said, the BOSS's are virtual! This means you only need ONE map for this game mode. Everything is virtualized for the bot as stated before, but keep in mind the plugin is simulating things like walking from node to node, and walking in the map. The bot does literally need to travel from resource to resource and even needs a furnace to smelt things. I've done my best to simulate the player element here but itll never truly be a crazy good opponent. It's just for fun. The BOSS difficulty boss's should be really fun for experienced players.

This all being said please understand this is the first EXPERIMENTAL build. **I DO NOT RECCOMEND THIS BUILD*** This new feature integrated heavily with many old and existing features this means there is endless oppurnities for bugs! The next following patches will fix this! Also the bot currently cannot fully play some cards correctly, for example divine prophecy needs to be simulated but isnt in yet, the boss also doesnt understand how to play cards in order yet. So he will play skeleton key for example before hes played king's loot. So please take it easy on me before letting me know he's doing things like this i know XD I just need some time to iron it all out and figure out alot of the details.

So besides all that this is really fun. I've enjoyed making it so far and ive also enjoyed playing against the bots. I hope you you enjoy this!

This feature is for premium only. This should really be the cherry on top! I think the plugin deserves premium status. Especially after i have cleaned it up and we hit 4.0! It's been over 3 YEARS since i first started this project. For 10 bucks you get quite a bit! Anyways thank you! I look forward to your reactions and don't lookg forward to the bugs haha! Cya all soon!
----------, Oct 7, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,613
First Release: Oct 4, 2018
Last Update: Feb 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
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