Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION icon

Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION -----

A competitive collectible card game like no other!

Tons of additions and fixes!
+ New Card Husk! This card was in before but has now returned due to new mechanics.
+ Entry system now supports multi minion spawn cards!
+ You can now clear filter text by shift right clicking the filter item!
+ You can now remove all cards from your deck using middle click on the deck in the collection!
+ There is now a deposit all cards button inside of card packs now for fast adding cards!

Balance Changes
+ Multi minion spawn cards will now add individual cards.
+ Passive mobs that wonder outside of the map boundries will be teleported randomly back into the map.
+ Supply Cache now is drawn at the start of the game. Similiar to Tool Cache.
+ Written Prophecy & Divine Divination now work the same way as Tool Cache.
+ Witch Terror now steals the highest cost minion card from your opponents instead of a random one.
+ Witching Hour now summons 5 random minions every wave instead of 10 for one wave.
+ Witching Hour now costs 5 mana instead of 2.
+ Sacrifice can no longer sacrifice witch tribe cards this includes Abomination, Witching Hour, Witches
+ Andesite, Granite and Diorite slabs now have 2 HP.
+ Dirt now has 1 HP and coarse dirt now has 4 HP
+ Diamond Blocks now have 40HP

+ New minion attack system, this should provide some performence improvements as well.
+ Minions should now be a bit more responsive when it comes to hitting blocks!
+ Consistency warning tweaked.
+ Using the /mh command while spectating will now open the spectating screen.
+ Corruption spread now will adjust its spread every 60 seconds. This should help new rifts expand!
+ Sandstone now has 4 HP & Cut Sandstone has 8HP

+ que spawn has been adjusted so minions should come quicker during the waves.
+ Additional left door fix
+ Minions now do proper damage to blocks.
+ When players leave while in a queue it will now remove them from the que properly.
+ During countdown if one of the teams does not have players the lobby will end and open the map up again for use.
+ Added a lot of information to most cards.
----------, Mar 3, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,613
First Release: Oct 4, 2018
Last Update: Feb 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings