Balance Changes + Zombie Juggernaut mana changed to 3 from 2.
+ Skeleton Knight mana was changed to 4 mana from 3.
+ Skeleton Squire now has strength which weakens it because its undead.
+ Demolition mana changed to 5 from 3.
+ Skeletons now spawn with fire resistence to help them not be scared of the sun!
+ Andesite, granite and diorite had their block hp changed to 4 from 3.
+ Shield damage reduced by 33%
Changes + The shield thee achievement now will consider the amount being crafted!
Fixes + Dropping an item on the ground and picking it up will no longer stack the block hp lore.
+ Queued minion cards no longer proccess when you rejoin a game.
+ Map mobs like MONSTER should no longer get removed when your far way from them.
+ All of the spells that apply next turn have been fixed at long last!
+ Minions can break trap doors now