Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION icon

Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION -----

A competitive collectible card game like no other!

Player Statistics & More!
+ Player statistics is now enabled! This is an data pool of all of your recent games! This can help you improve!
+ Multiverse is now a soft dependecy for M&H, this should help with M&H loading before Multiverse causing corruption.
- Note that Multiverse is NOT required, however if your using another world managing plugin please let me know so i can add support for it to prevent these issues from occurring.

+ Games in the game history now show the name of the map it took place in.
+ Games in the game history now have way to see if you lost said game or won.
+ Removed the getcard command, these may have been causing confusion use /mh givecard instead.
+ The help menu was cleaned up for users.
+ The help menu now shows all commands for admins, some useful ones were not shown here like /mh show nodes

+ You can no longer get Built in Stone outside of the game.


This update brings in one of the last major additions, statistics. Players can now get a good feel of all of there games by using the statistics, but using the game history feature players can find specific game cases where they might have lost and could have done better! The last thing to get added in is golden card effects! Which you can expect tomorrow!
----------, Dec 31, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,613
First Release: Oct 4, 2018
Last Update: Feb 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings