Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION icon

Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION -----

A competitive collectible card game like no other!

1.6.1 update! Major changes to matchmaking
+ Updated to 1.16.1
+ Casual games have been changed, you can now select a map to play on! This does not apply to ranked or challenges games they are given random games from casual.
+ The collection view now has a diamond sword on the top, you can click this to get to /mh p menu!
+ The matchmaking menu has a return arrow in it, it takes you to the collection view.

+ When changing a map from ranked to casual o r vice versa it will not be more clear on what is rather then saying true or false.
+ Matchmaking system completely reworked, new queue system tech being used for future game modes.
+ The Messages.yml will now update with defaults over time, in preparation for multi lang support.

+ 1.13 should now work with the latest version of it.
+ Compatibility fix for 1.12-1.14 when hovering cards played in chat.
+ When using /mh givecard command it should now work with cards using - in them.
+ Challenging now works for non op players.
Example: /mh givecard Coal-Veins xxxtrigger50xxx true #this will now work!


Sorry for the delay on this update! It's been some time since posted an update as I was moving and was unable to get to my computer! Anyways i'm very excited to bring the plugin to 1.16.1! I have also brought some major changes to the plugin this update.

I focused on rewriting how matchmaking was handled. I developed some new tech awhile ago for another project and finally updated M&H to use it. As a result i was able to add and change some things to how i wanted them!

Casual Games, you can now select a map to play on! This was a requested feature from some time ago and while i didn't plan on it for ranked games i thought it would be perfect for casual though!
Ranked & Challenge games are still the same as the legacy system, maps are randomly picked.

There will be new game modes coming soon as a result of this system. Team games and PVE!

Both of which will add some new variety to the dynamic however BOTH upcoming game modes will be unranked modes. Team games I have not decided on the max size for them but i have always imagined having 2v2 and 3v3 games possible. The game will be exactly the same accept the boss bar at the top would be an average of the enemy teams health and hunger. Every player would have their own mana and cards of course.

PVE? Well yes but its a little weird. So PVE will allow players to "test" their decks against an AI.The AI will play cards against you and will have an artificial health and hunger. So playing your cards will still have an affect against it. Just not the same way it would against a player. This is a good way for players to practice their decks and practice surviving. The AI will have several decks and will have several difficulties.

I have also updated how multi language support is being handled. Expect new multi language support to be added over time from this patch forward, as a result new added entries will automatically generate when changes are made so make sure to check your language files every time you update if you arent using English as your base language!

More info soon! Thanks for reading!
----------, Jul 18, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,613
First Release: Oct 4, 2018
Last Update: Feb 6, 2025
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All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
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