Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION icon

Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION -----

A competitive collectible card game like no other!

BIG UPDATE! Major Bug fixes! 3 New cards!
My main focus for this update was exploits, bugs and balance changes! I added some new cards that should help
the zombie style decks and skeleton decks to be on the same power level as spider decks. I want to make sure
there is end game cards that will help games come to an end. Feral Undead and the X172 virus cards are great
examples of cards that will end a game in some time. Otherwise a friend of mine found a bunch of ways to
exploit the game so i spent some time fixing those issues of course.

1. Witch poison length buffed by 10%
2. Shields break much faster now.
3. Orb Weavers nerfed from 18% to 10%, making it now 10/20/30/40 when stacked.
4. Diamond Veins mana was changed from 1 to 3. I think this is necessary to make sure the progression is correct.
5. Rift Plague changed from 6 mana to 3. This should not cost this much in the curret meta.
6. Rift Surged changed from 5 mana to 3.
7. Strength changed from 5 mana to 3. This card was worse the brutality. Now its more fair in comparison!
8. New Spell Card! Feral Undead (3) - Your undead minions move faster! RARE (This can stack)
9. New Supply Card! Summoners Book (2) - Draw two spell cards! EPIC (This should be a nice utility card.)
10. New Spell Card! X172 Virus (6) - Your zombies now have knockback resistence. LEGENDARY (This should make the zombie type good!)
11. Minions should no longer target allied minions.
12. Minions will retarget much faster now.
13. Skeleton army changed to have many only melee units.
14. Skeleton army rises slower.
15. Skeleton mana changed from 4 to 3.
16. Maggots mana changed from 4 to 3.
17. Trap Door Spider mana changed from 8 to 7.
17. Corrosive web mana changed from 5 to 3, and now stacks.
18. Slightly reduced the node density.
19. Water buckets cannot be empited anymore.
20. Delayed the Minion spawn rate to prevent performence hits.
21. Zombies have an anti water mechanic now, however its not perfect. WIP
22. You can now break dead bushes and cobwebs outside of your build area.
23. All blocks hps are now 2, fences and slabs are now 1, and cobblestone is 5.
24. Fixed the maps editor displaying the build area warning for not having a linked map with the same gamemode.
25. Fixed fire finally! After testing i was able to get fire to reset properly!
26. Fixed a major issue with map population in the /mh maps command.
27. Fixed Supply lines & Sorcerers books from giving the wrong cards!
28. Fixed a bug with Juggernauts and Feral being played at the same time causing errors.
29. Pistons can no longer push things out of the map boundries.
30. You can no longer create portals inside your build area. Trolls.
----------, Feb 28, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,613
First Release: Oct 4, 2018
Last Update: Feb 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
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