Fixed several Issues that occured on using Spigot v 1.13 & 1.14.
I will no longer recommend using old Spigot Versions, due to high block changes since 1.13!
Don't ignore the following Notice: After getting this update, you have to reset your blocks completely ( file removal ) and you have to re-add your blocks ingame again ( follow the new setup instructions ).
This Information is very important, otherwise you will receive several invalid block errors.
New Setup Instructions:
You will no longer be able to use block ids, since 1.14 completely removed the internal ids & replaced them with custom ids that may change in the future. You will now have to use the Material Names instead of Ids, cause dataids / sub ids like wool colors are no longer available. Example Material Name using old Spigot Versions: 35:1 ( Orange Wool ), the Usage now would be: ORANGE_WOOL:0 !
Make sure to have capitalized names.