Mineopoly  | A new way to mini game icon

Mineopoly | A new way to mini game -----

Play a board game classic with your friends | 1.19.4 - 1.21

Better multiverse support
I'm here to present the new update to you.
In this update I mainly worked on better support for multiverse. It is now possible to use multiverse with the multigame engine. I also added a new experimental paged 3D gui to the plugin. Thanks to the update of the 3D GUI API it is now possible for me to make multi page 3D inventories. I implemented such a paged gui for the bankrupt gui.
I hope you enjoy these changes:
[ FIX] - Fixed a bug, where problems occured when a game wasn't correctly inserted in the MySQL database
[ FIX] - Fixed a bug, where the bossbar wasn't completely removed after leaving a game
[ FIX] - Fixed a bug, where an error was thrown when trying to update the language files
[ FIX] - Fixed a bug, where the bankrupt algorithm errored out
[ FIX] - Fixed a bug with the bankrupt algorithm, where the gui couldn't be opened on an async thread
[ FIX] - Fixed a bug with the bankrupt algorithm, where the money wasn't subtracted after closing the inventory
[ CHANGE] - Changed mpJoin and mpLeave commands to work with multigame engine
[ ADDING] - Added an option to disable the nether star in the inv when the player is in the lobby
[ ADDING] - Added a paged inv from the 3D gui API to replace the bankrupt inv
[ UPDATED] - Updated mongoDB driver
[ UPDATED] - Updated 3D GUI API
This is all for now.
Thanks for reading the release notes.
Hear you soon :D

If you found any new bugs, want to suggest a feature or just want to chat a little bit feel free to join my discord server. ( https://mineopoly.de/discord)
----------, Jun 2, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 27
First Release: Nov 17, 2023
Last Update: Oct 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings