Mineopoly  | A new way to mini game icon

Mineopoly | A new way to mini game -----

Play a board game classic with your friends | 1.19.4 - 1.21

Vault, 3D GUIs and more
Hi everyone.
Today I'm happy to present this new update to you. In the last days I worked on an OpenSource API to make 3D guis in Minecraft. To test this I implemented one into the Mineopoly plugin. You can enable it in the config.yml under the experiments setting.
I also added support for Vault, you can now set rewards a player gets, if he for example wins a game or completes a game.
Here is a more detailed overview of what changed:
[ FIX] - Fixed a bug, where the player sometimes didn't receive his items after buying a street
[ ADDING] - Adding the vault API
[ ADDING] - Adding support for rewarding the player on some game events
[ ADDING] - Added GUI sounds to some of the inventorys
[ ADDING] - Added a 3D GUI as the buy street gui if enabled in the config
[ ADDING] - Added 6 new textures to the texture pack (buttons for the 3d gui)
[ UPDATED] - Updated the languages

This is all that changed. If you are interested in the 3D Gui API checkout my GitHub or my discord.

Thanks for reading the release notes.
Hear you soon :D

If you found any new bugs, want to suggest a feature or just want to chat a little bit feel free to join my discord server. ( https://mineopoly.de/discord)
----------, May 18, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 27
First Release: Nov 17, 2023
Last Update: Oct 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings