Γειά σου,
I'm here to present a new update to you. This time there are many bug fixes and some new features. Here is what changed:
FIX] - Fixed a bug, where the player wasn't tp'ed back to the field, if he was spectating and got turn player
FIX] - Fixed a bug, where the hostplayer wasn't set
FIX] - Fixed a bug, where the gamerules from the config weren't loaded as defaults
FIX] - Fixed a bug, where the player couldn't move after he got back from overview
FIX] - Fixed a bug, where the player got tp'ed back to the playfield even if the game ended
FIX] - Fixed a bug, where the number in the "You don't have enough money" message the number was negative
FIX] - Fixed a bug, where the still you turn message was send to the player, even if the turn was over
FIX] - Fixed small typos
FIX] - Fixed a bug, where the throw of a player wasn't displayed in the title
FIX] - Fixed a bug, where the world wasn't loaded correctly
FIX] - Fixed a bug, where the gamerules item wasn't given correctly
CHANGE] - Changed how the file-updater works (Hopefully better now)
ADDING] - Added an announcement for what the player rolled
ADDING] - Added an announcement for what card a player drew
ADDING] - Added an option to the config to set how many players are needed to start / cut the countdown
ADDING] - Added an option to set the max amount of players that can be in a game
ADDING] - Added a feature to let the player view the board while in auction
ADDING] - Added the option to have the data in the actionbar instead of the scoreboard
ADDING] - Added an option to disable the overview on auction
That was a lot, but I hope the plugin is running better now
As always thanks for reading the change-log

And thanks to all who reported bugs and requested features.
If you found any new bugs, want to suggest a feature or just want to chat a little bit feel free to join my discord server. (