MineGPT [1.7 - 1.21] - Use the power of AI icon

MineGPT [1.7 - 1.21] - Use the power of AI -----

Gives players the ability to leverage AI on your Minecraft server! (OpenAI account not required)

Version: 1.11.4-CS-API
So after tell the owner that i have tried everything that they said to do i went to the gen chat and stated they i have tried everything they said ingame and discord but failed says i dont have a lic to register ingme and discord and he kept deleteing my message and the help/support chan is hidden so he put me on a time out for 1hour so i cant tex to or do any thing really bad support disrespects his/her supporters and yea im dont woth this plugin untill they change there ways

Version: 1.10.0-CS-API
Good plugin! It brings AI into Minecraft, but it could be nice if you support Paper 1.20.6/1.21 with Mojang mapping :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review! If you read the update notes you'll see that this latest update is adding support for Spigot v1.21

Version: 1.8.1-CS-API
Super cool plugin that has a lot of cool features very well put together plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad to hear that you’re liking it!

Version: 1.7.6-CS-API
I have no idea if the plugin is any good, I can't get it to work! I'm on the Discord to get help. I'll only be tortured for 10 minutes to answer what I should do to finally get support. Then my requests are repeatedly deleted because the owner doesn't like them, or for whatever reason. He probably feels annoyed by his own customers. I can't speak English and use a translator and have tried to help myself before but unfortunately without success. As I said, then the torture in the DC and in the end he told me 20 times where I could find the answer without going into it that I just couldn't do it and needed his help, otherwise I wouldn't be here! He doesn't care about anything, I have 24 hours. 20 minutes of stupid writing instead of simply answering a question ^^ really terrible support
Author's response
Thanks for the review. We provided you with the direct link to the page in our documentation explaining how to configure the request handler to your liking ( https://culleystudios.com/docs/spigot-plugins/minegpt/request-handlers), however, you continually ignored what we were saying and also refused to read the documentation.

Unfortunately, this is a situation caused completely by yourself and this review is completely unjustified. We've gone ahead and locked any further support until you remove this review.

Version: 1.5.5-CS-API
I bought this plugin, it initially works well but I wanted to create my own conditions but I didn't understand how. The documentation is not clear. I go on discord and try to get help. The plugin owner spent 10 minutes directing me to the documentation or explaining how busy he was instead of explaining the problem. In addition, he or his discord bot started deleting every message I wrote, making it completely impossible to write, as if I was sending ghost messages. As a result, after pinging the owner, I received a mute from him for an hour. I currently regret the purchase, so I'm giving it 1 star, but I'll give the plugin owner one last chance, i.e. 48 hours, to sort himself out. If you help me and stop being arrogant, I will restore the 5 stars and give a positive review.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. We had directed you to the proper documentation however that was insufficient for you. Additionally despite us telling you we are currently trying to resolve an issue with our support registration you decided to spam the server and post this senseless review. We do not deal with individuals who use reviews as a threat so please do not expect any assistance or support until it has been removed. Cheers.

Version: 1.5.3-CS-API
amazing plugin, very advanced and easy tos etup and use. can only recommend it further
Author's response
Thanks for the review! We're glad to hear you appreciate everything it offers!

Version: 1.2.8-CS-API
This makes the server a very nice feature. As I use this, users like this feature a lot. Thanks for making this!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad to hear your users like it :)

Version: 1.2.7-CS-API
The plugin is great and it can be used in servers that can'afford to hire support team. And the developer is listening to suggestions. Recommended!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! We're glad to hear you're making good use of the plugin

Version: 1.2.1-CS-API
This plugin is absolutely insane. Giving it context and then asking it questions about the server is yielding great responses so far.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad to hear you like it, there are plenty more features we plan on adding as well so keep a look out :)

Version: 1.1.7-CS-API
nice,Very user-friendly! Hope for long-term support, the best Minecraft GPT plugin to use so far!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Happy to hear that you're enjoying it and hope you enjoy the new features coming!

Version: 1.1.6-CS-API
Woah dude, the power in my hands I can feel it! I hope this gets updated overtime as I know Ima be using this for a realllll long time, I love it! :D
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad to hear you like it, we definitely have a lot of plans for future features and improvements! If you have anything to suggest, please be sure to post them in the Discord.

Version: 1.0.6-CS-API
I didn't fully try the plugin yet, but I see a future potential in this plugin. It is really cheap right now, and it seems like it's worth buying it. Let's see :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review! We see a lot of potential for it too and can't wait to provide new features. If you have any suggestions or feedback please be sure to post it in the Discord server!

Version: 1.0.4-CS-API
A plugin with great potential that will go a long way. I will surely report any miscellaneous errors I find in order to improve players' gaming experience :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad to hear you’re satisfied so far. We hope to improve it even more over time, and appreciate any feedback you have!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 182
First Release: Apr 15, 2023
Last Update: Jan 1, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
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