MagicBlock icon

MagicBlock -----

A Minecraft plugin offering an infinitely placeable magic block with customizable features for enhan

更新了许多内容(一直在其他平台更新这里忘了更新了):),Updated a lot (been updating on other platforms forgot to update here) :
MagicBlock-2.1.0 更新内容: fix: 1. 修复部分魔术方块可以被放入工作台中被分解的BUG 2. 修复部分魔术方块挖掘掉落经验值的BUG add: 1 .增加新配置项,现在可以配置通过mb get指令获取的魔术方块的默认使用次数,默认值如下,如需更改可自行添加此项配置 default-block-times: 1000000000 2. 增加指令 mb addtimes <数字> 手拿魔术方块,可以使用该指令为手中的方块增加指定的使用次数

MagicBlock v2.2.0更新内容 优化: 1) 优化mb get指令,增加一项可选参数[times],例mb get 200获取可以使用200次的魔术方块 2)优化消息反馈,当魔术方块次数用尽时,聊天栏会有消息提示玩家次数用===== 新增: 新增魔术食物,指令:mb getfood <material> [times] 可以获取指定种类的魔术食物,并且可以通过指令参数指定该魔术食物的使用次数,通过配置文件配置指定食物单次回复饱食度值。不填写times参数则默认为0.1B次。简单来讲 获取一个可以使用多次的食物。

MagicBlock v2.2.1 修复: 修复附着方块(灯笼、火把等)的被附着方块被破坏时,附着方块会掉落的问题。

MagicBlock v2.2.2 修复: 修复部分情况下,切换方块导致的刷物BUG,十分建议更新。

MagicBlock-2.1.0 Update Notes:
1. Fixed a bug where some magic blocks could be placed in the workbench and decomposed.
2. Fixed a bug where some magic blocks would drop experience points when mined.
1. Added a new configuration option to set the default usage times for magic blocks obtained through the "mb get" command. The default value is as follows, and can be changed by adding this configuration:
default-block-times: 1000000000
2. Added the command "mb addtimes <number>" which allows you to increase the usage times of the magic block in your hand.
MagicBlock v2.2.0 Update Notes:
1. Optimized the "mb get" command by adding an optional parameter [times], e.g., "mb get 200" to get a magic block that can be used 200 times.
2. Improved message feedback. When a magic block's usage times run out, a message will notify the player in the chat.
1. Added magic food. Command: "mb getfood <material> [times]" allows you to get a specified type of magic food and set its usage times through command parameters. The configuration file can specify the hunger value restored per use. If the [times] parameter is not specified, the default is 0.1B times. In short, you can get food that can be used multiple times.
MagicBlock v2.2.1 Fixes:
Fixed an issue where attached blocks (lanterns, torches, etc.) would drop when the block they were attached to was destroyed.
MagicBlock v2.2.2 Fixes:
Fixed a bug where switching blocks in certain situations would cause item duplication. Highly recommended to update.
----------, Jun 29, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 365
First Release: Sep 12, 2023
Last Update: Feb 7, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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